Divorce Information

Select which set best applies to your situation: *
Will there be alimony payments? *
How often are the payments?
Does wife want her former name restored? *
Which one of the following best describes your property situaiton? *

Children: If there are no minor children go directly to the Acknowledgement section.

ALL Parties with minor children MUST complete the following sections!

List ALL minor children born or adopted by both of the above parties together:
 Full Legal NameDate of BirthBorn or AdoptedSocial Security NumberPlace of BirthSex
Children Residence History
 Dates (From/To)Address Where Child Lived (including City/State/Zip)Relationship to Child (Mother/Father/Both)
Children Residence History
 Dates (From/To)Address Where Child Lived (including City/State/Zip)Relationship to Child (Mother/Father/Both)
Is wife pregnant?
Medical and Dental expenses not covered by insurance will be:


ACKNOWLEDGE: I have paid my fee for forms only. The typing and the instructions were furnished free. I understand that my money CANNOT BE REFUNDED. No one at Ida’s Legal Forms initiated this action. I understand all the information as stated and filled in on the information sheet. These forms are purchased and to be used strictly for obtaining my personal Dissolution of Marriage and are not to be duplicated in any manner, whatsoever, unless authorized by Ida’s legal Forms. Any other use is strictly prohibited by law. DISCLOSURE: Ida’s Legal Forms told me that he/she is not a lawyer and may not give legal advice or represent me in court. Ida’s Legal Forms told me that he/she may only help me fill out a form approved by the Supreme Court of Florida. Ida’s Legal Forms may only help me by asking me questions to fill in the form. Ida’s Legal Forms may also tell me how to file this form. Ida’s Legal Forms told me that he/she is not an attorney and cannot tell me what my rights or remedies are or how to testify in Court. *
Petitioner Signature: *
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