FreeOnes Survey

Thank you for your entries. This survey is now closed, and points will no longer be given for filling it in.

We are constantly trying to improve ourselves and that is why we would like you to enter this survey. Here you can say what you think needs improvement or what works great and shouldn’t be changed at all!

MyFreeOnes Users can earn 100 points for filling in this survey. Not a member yet? Register here!

If you leave your E-mail adress at the end, you'll even have a chance at winning a "FreeOnes goodybag"!

How often do you visit *

How satisfied are you with *

Where did you learn about our website? *

Did the menu items on the mainpage make sense to you? *

Do you ever visit FreeOnes sub pages like The Board, or What's New page? *

Do you ever visit FreeOnes daughter sites like the FreeOnes Blog or others? *

If you were looking for specific information, did you find it? *

How much time did it take to find your answer? *

Does the search engine work as you expect it to? *

How do you rate our website on these topics? *
 Very PoorPoorNormalGoodVery Good
Range of Products
Graphical Presentation

Did any problems occur during your visit to FreeOnes? *

How likely are you to visit us again? *

Leave your information here, if you want to receive your MyFreeOnes points and have a chance at winning the FreeOnes goodybag!

NOTE:  Your MyFreeOnes Username is not necessarily the same as your board name! - If you enter the wrong name, you will not receive your points.

It may take up to a week before your points will be assigned.
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