ACS Postdoc to Faculty Workshop Faculty Volunteer Database

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Faculty Volunteer Role & Expectations

P2F Faculty Volunteers act as advisers to postdoctoral scholars interested in careers in academia. They are expected to serve as panelists and/or moderators, review 5-6 mock faculty applications from postdoc participants (prior to the workshop), lead mock interviews, and may be asked if they’d feel comfortable presenting on a specific topic (e.g., teaching strategies, mentoring tips, or fostering inclusion and belonging in the research group, etc.). There will also be a session for postdocs to have an opportunity to discuss the feedback given on their mock application packets with the facilitator that provided said feedback.
*ACS will cover travel, 2-night hotel accommodations, and all meals for all selected workshop faculty volunteers. This is a great opportunity to network with the future generation of chemical science faculty.

Contact information

Workshop Participation

Postdocs value the insight provided by experienced faculty. Are you willing to participate in one or more panel discussions? Note: One panel will take place virtually prior to the workshop. *
Postdocs recognize that a strong application packet is essential to the faculty search process. Would you be willing to review 3-5 mock faculty applications (CV, Cover Letter, Research Statement, Teaching Philosophy, Additional Statements) of postdoc participants? You would receive the mock applications mid-June, and the reviews would be due back at least 1 week prior to the workshop. *
Postdoc participants appreciate the opportunity to discuss or ask other questions based on your feedback on their mock applications. Would you be willing to have individual meetings (~30 minutes) with the postdoc participants whose mock applications you reviewed during the workshop? *
Postdoc participants welcome opportunities to practice answering common interview questions. Would you be willing to conduct mock interviews (~30 minutes) with the postdoc participants whose mock faculty applications you reviewed? You will receive a list of common faculty interview questions and can choose which you'd like to ask during the sessions. *
Postdocs are interested in strategies used to foster engaging learning experiences in their future classrooms. Are you comfortable presenting (or co-presenting) a session (30-45 min) on best practices in teaching (e.g., active learning strategies, inclusive teaching methodology, etc.)? *

Institution Information

Career-related Information

Do you have Tenure? *
Field(s) of expertise (check all that apply)
 Primary fieldSecondary field
Agricultural/food chemistry
Analytical chemistry
Chemical biology
Chemical education
Chemical engineering
Chemical toxicology
Colloid & surface chemistry
Computational chemistry
Environmental chemistry
General chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Materials chemistry
Medicinal/pharmaceutical chemistry
Nuclear chemistry
Organic chemistry
Physical chemistry
Physical-organic chemistry
Polymer chemistry
Theoretical chemistry
Have you been a Postdoc to Faculty facilitator in the past? *

Have Questions? Contact Us.

If you have any additional questions, please email the Student & Postdoctoral Scholars Development Office at