Rural Bank Future Breeders & Leaders Forum 2024

Event Details

Herefords Australia are excited to announce that our first Future Leaders and Breeders Forum will be held in Brisbane from 23-24 October 2024! The forum brings together participants between 20-45 years of age to gain valuable agribusiness skills to begin or advance their beef businesses and develop deeper levels of understanding as future industry leaders.

The program has been tailored to incorporate a variety of guest speakers and on-site visits for the successful and sustainable running of both stud and commercial beef cattle enterprises. Attendees of all experience levels are welcome and are guaranteed to gain something from this experience. 
The forum is open to both members and non-members of Herefords Australia, with members eligible for  discounted tickets!

Attendee Details

Payment Processing Fee *
Current Total:

Terms and Conditions & Cancellation Policy

Terms & Conditions: 1. Participants are responsible for advising Herefords Australia of any changes to your contact details prior to the event. 2. Participants are responsible for advising Herefords Australia of any dietary requirements one week prior to the event. 3. Participants are responsible for their own accommodation, parking and travel to/from the forum. 4. Participant positions cannot be reserved. Interested parties who miss out on a ticket will be added to a wait list. 
Cancellation Policy: Please be advised that ticket cancellation and refunds are only provided up to 7 days prior to the event. Any ticket cancellation after 16 October 2024 voids any refund. To request a ticket refund, please submit your request in writing to no later than 16 October 2024. If guests wish to transfer their ticket to another guest, they must advise in writing to prior to the event. *

Media Waiver & Release

I give Herefords Australia and affiliates of the Future Breeders and Leaders Forum consent to reproduce my photography in newsletters and/or newspaper publications. The material may appear in printed or electronic form and may be available to a global audience on the World Wide Web. I authorise the use or reproduction of the photography by Herefords Australia and affiliates for promotion purposes without acknowledgement and without being entitled to payment. The copyright ownership of the photography will be retained by Herefords Australia or the photographer. I understand that if I wish to withdraw this authorisation, it will be my responsibility to inform Herefords Australia prior to the event. *

Indemnity clause

In this Indemnity form “the Society” means and includes all affiliates of the Society, all employees of the Society, all members of the Society and all volunteers of the Society and/or all affiliated entities. By participating in the forum: 1. I acknowledge that it is a condition of participating in the forum that I do so at my own risk. I accept all risk and release the Society from all claims, demands and proceedings arising out of or connected with my participation in the forum and indemnify them against all liability for any injury, loss or damage arising out of or connected with my participation in the forum. 2. I acknowledge that it is a condition of participating in the Forum that the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Forum are absolved from all liability arising for injury or damage to myself or my property howsoever caused arising out of my participation in the Forum whatsoever whether due to negligent act, breach of duty, default and/or omission on the part of the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Forum or otherwise. 3. I acknowledge that the Society relies on the information provided by me and state that all such information is accurate and complete. 4. I warrant that I am physically fit to participate in the Forum and that I have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical practitioner. I acknowledge that I must disclose any pre-existing medical or other condition that may affect the risk that either myself, or any other person will suffer injury, loss or damage. 5. I consent to receiving any medical treatment including ambulance transportation that the Society and any person or body directly associated with the Forum think necessary as required during the Forum. 6. I acknowledge that it is a condition of participating in the Forum that I follow the instructions of the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Forum at all times. I indemnify and keep indemnified the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Forum from all claims, demands and proceedings arising out of or connected with a failure by me to comply with rules and/or directions given to me by the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Forum. *