Divine Designs Salon & Spa
New Provider or Offer Form


A provider-change offer is valid for any salon service (spa services are not included) up to the value of salon service(s) being provided for each visit to the cumulative total amount of the credit offered, whichever is the lesser. In order to be valid, you must submit your acceptance electronically within 5 (five) days and complete your first service within 30 (thirty) days from the date on your offer notice. This offer is non-transferable, valid towards receiving non-specialty salon services which you regularly or normally received with a former service professional and is not valid for retail product purchases, gratuity payments or use with any discounted or promotional pricing of services. This offer has no cash value or cash-back privileges and is voided if your service visit(s) is/are not scheduled or completed within the prescribed time period, if any is noted, in the offer. Any unused portion of any account credit will expire and be forfeited on November 30, 2018.
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