ASA® ADVANCE The Anesthesiology Business Event will take place at the Signia by Hilton in Atlanta, Georgia, January 31 - February 2, 2025. The exhibit dates are: January 31 - February 1. Please note booths will be assigned in order of the date and time the application was received.
Upon signing and submitting this application, a booth from your preferences will be assigned to you, and an invoice will be emailed to you confirming your booth space, total amount due and payment instructions.
ASA® ADVANCE is a business to business trade event and retail sales are not allowed on the exhibit floor. ASA® reserves the right to reject applications for exhibit space of exhibitors whose intent is to sell individual products for retail use or consumption.
If a company reduces, increases, or cancels their exhibit booth at ASA® ADVANCE 2025, the registration badge allowance will be reduced, increased, or forfeited respectively. No-shows will be treated as cancellations and the exhibiting company will lose all accumulated points toward the following year’s space assignments. Acquisitions: If an Exhibitor is acquired by another company, the Acquiring company will become liable for the full exhibit booth space fees.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Katie Burke, CEM (Companies K-Z) at