Team Awards will be granted to top finishing:
-Elementary School Teams (K-5th grade players, minimum 3 players must participate in the tournament from a school to be eligible for a trophy)
-Middle School Teams (6th-8th grade Players, minimum 2 players must participate in the tournament from a school to be eligible for a trophy)
Calculating Team Awards will happen after the tournament and will be announced via email and facebook, and trophies will be delivered to each school.
The Calculating Procedure for Team Awards:
--Players earn 1 point for their team with a win and 0.5 points for their team with a draw.
--Then, for the elementary team awards, each section will have a multiplier for points earned based on the section that they were earned in.
Player points in:
-Rookie section will be multiplied by 1,
-Learners section will be multiplied by 1.34,
-Stars section will be multiplied by 1.67,
-Leaders section will be multiplied by 2.
The number of players whose points will count towards the team score will be calculated by dividing the total number of players in the tournament by the total number of teams who have 3 or more more players represented, rounded up to the next whole number. So if there are 100 players, representing 17 schools who have at least three players in attendance, then the number of players' scores who will count for each team will be 100/17 = 5.88 --> 6. So then if a school has 8 players participating, the top five finishers based on scores and sections from that school would be calculated to determine that teams total score.
A player will be counted as in attendance and particiapting for their school if they play in all rounds of their tournament section or in all but one of the rounds of their tournament section.
Awards for top individual finishers will be handed out after the last round is complete.
Sportsmanship Awards will also be handed out to players who demonstrate exceptional attitidues, including grace in victory and dignity in defeat.