Central NM Team Chess League Spring 2025 Finals

Sponsored by Learners Chess
Who can play?
Open to all chess players in grades K-8th. 
Location: At the University of New Mexico Main Campus in Student Union Ballrooms A, B, and C.
Date: Sunday, March 2nd 10:30am to 3:30pm

10:30am - Final Check in time
10:30am to 11:00am - Find seats for Round 1 and tournament briefing
11:00am - Round 1
11:45am - Round 2
12:30pm - Round 3
1:15pm - Round 4
2:00pm - Round 5
2:45pm - Raffle, Trophies, and Awards Ceremony
3:30pm - Clean up
Registraton deadline: Saturday, March 1st at 5pm
All school teams will earn team trophies for their schools. The top placing elementary school team will also earn the Central NM Team Chess League traveling trophy, which will be inscribed with their school name and year and get to live at their school for the next year until the Spring 2025 Central NM Team Chess League Finals. All players will ahve the oppurtunity to score points for their school's team. 
Team Awards will be granted to top finishing:
-Elementary School Teams (K-5th grade players, minimum 3 players must participate in the tournament from a school to be eligible for a trophy)
-Middle School Teams (6th-8th grade Players, minimum 2 players must participate in the tournament from a school to be eligible for a trophy)
Calculating Team Awards will happen after the tournament and will be announced via email and facebook, and trophies will be delivered to each school.
The Calculating Procedure for Team Awards:
--Players earn 1 point for their team with a win and 0.5 points for their team with a draw.
--Then, for the elementary team awards, each section will have a multiplier for points earned based on the section that they were earned in.
Player points in:
-Rookie section will be multiplied by 1,
-Learners section will be multiplied by 1.34,
-Stars section will be multiplied by 1.67, 
-Leaders section will be multiplied by 2.
The number of players whose points will count towards the team score will be calculated by dividing the total number of players in the tournament by the total number of teams who have 3 or more more players represented, rounded up to the next whole number. So if there are 100 players, representing 17 schools who have at least three players in attendance, then the number of players' scores who will count for each team will be 100/17 = 5.88 --> 6. So then if a school has 8 players participating, the top five finishers based on scores and sections from that school would be calculated to determine that teams total score. 
A player will be counted as in attendance and particiapting for their school if they play in all rounds of their tournament section or in all but one of the rounds of their tournament section. 
Click here to see example tournament results from our last tournament in the Spring of 2023. 
Awards for top individual finishers will be handed out after the last round is complete.
Sportsmanship Awards will also be handed out to players who demonstrate exceptional attitidues, including grace in victory and dignity in defeat. 

About the Sections: 

Middle School Section is a section for all players in grades 6th through 8th. Depending on registration numbers, this section may be split into multiple sections and a multiplier will then apply for team awards. 

Leaders Section is a section open to all players up to 5th grade. It is mostly recommended for experienced and strong chess players with a rating over 700.

Stars Section is a section open to all chess players up to 5th grade whose Learners Rating is below 700 (some what experienced). Section may be divided up by age groups.

Learners Section is a section open to all chess players whose Learners Rating is below 500 (less experienced). Section will likely be divided up by age groups.

Rookie Section is a section for players who are just starting out and might be playing in their first or second ever tournament, whose ratings are below 375. Section will likely be divided up by age groups.

RATINGS: If you have chess players who are not rated in the Learners Chess rating system, you can use your best guess, an online chess rating from eithr chess.com, chesskid.com, or lichess.org, or you can reach out to learnerschess@gmail.com to ask about the best section for your student to enter. 

We will update ratings and make section adjustments, if necessary, prior to the tournament.

Chess Player Information

***Name should match their name on the Learners Chess Rating List. And if they are not on the list, be sure the name you use on this registration will be the same one, with the exact same spelling, that they use in all past and future registrations with Learners Chess. If you ever need to change a name or the spelling of it, please reach out to Learners Chess and we can change it in the rating system. 
Gender pronoun *
-Look up your player's rating here.
-When the page opens, press ctrl + F at the same time so that the "find function" pops up and then type in your child's name, and it should highlight and scroll to it right away. Then find their RATING, not their rank at LCA.
-If they are not on the above active rated players list, that means either they have never played a rated game or it has been more than 91 days since their last rated game. You may also look them up on our Lifetime Rated list. This one gets updated less often, but if they have ever had a rating and they are not a current player, they will be on that list. 
-If their rating changes before the event takes place, we may move them to a different section.
Select the section your child will play in: *
(50 remaining)
Select the section your child will play in: *

Parent Information

I commit to bring my chess player to the above listed chess tournament at least 15 minutes prior to the advertised start time or to notify the tournament director of their withdrawal the day before the tournament starts. *
Be sure to check your email for your registraiton confirmation for this event. If you don't get it, check your junk/spam folder and if you still don't get it, reach out to us or re-submit your registraiton. 

Donation for Tournament and Raffle Tickets

At the end of the tournament, during the medal award ceremony for top finishers and sportsmanship awaradees, we will hold a raffle drawing for a number of different prizes including: Learners Chess tee-shirts and sweat shirts, multi-colored chess sets and boards, private lessons with coaches, brand new chess sets, prize packs, and more!
Please select your donation amount (we suggest at least $10-$20 if you can) *
At the tournament, you can pick up your raffle tickets from the raffle table. You can also purchase more raffle tickets and Learners Chess merchandise on the day of the event. 
Current Total: