Key Club Parent and Kiwanian District Convention Registration

Kiwanians and Parents are invited to attend for Friday night, meal(s), or session(s).
All Kiwanians and Parents wishing to attend must complete the registration form and submit payment by March 17, 2025
Reminder: Meals and sessions are combined and therefore we cannot allow anyone to attend a session without paying for the meal.
Meals are buffet style.
If paying by check, please make it payable to: NJ KEY CLUB
mail by March 8th to:  NJ Key Club c/o Andrew DeFelice, 29 Cheryl Lane,  Millstone Twp.  NJ  08510
Credit Card payments incur processing fees.
DCON Highlights
Thursday, April 3, 2025
- Opening Session and Dinner Buffet (6:30 PM) - Cost $39 per person - Welcome speeches, Keynote Address, Club Social Event (includes gaming, and food trucks) 
Friday, April 4,2024
- Breakfast (no session, 8:00 AM) - Cost $24 - Workshops to follow
Lunch (no session, 12:00 PM) - Cost $39 - Workshops continued 
- Recognition Session and Dinner Buffet (7:30 PM)- Cost $51 per person - Club Awards presentations hosted by our two MC's and the presentation of District Officer Awards
Saturday, April 5, 2024
- Brunch Buffet (10:00 AM) Cost $24 per person - Scholarships presentations, retiring of the 2024-2025 District Board and the Installation of the 2025-2026 District Board and Scholarship Presentations
Rooming- Thursday and Friday Nights, April 3 and 4 ($183.00) per room, per night (inclusive of all taxes and fees and ocean views) - Please register early for room reservations. Room availability may be limited after March 5, 2025.


What kind of guest are you? *
Are you any of the following? *
Meal Registration (List Number of Meals Needed Per Person) Credit Card
Meal Registration (List Number of Meals Needed Per Person) Sending a Check
Hotel Rooms (List number of rooms needed) Credit Card
Hotel Rooms (List number of rooms needed) Check Payment
Current Total:
If you are mailing a check, all checks must be postmarked by Friday, March 8, 2025 to:
Andrew DeFelice; 29 Cheryl Lane;  Millstone Twp. NJ  08510