DCON Highlights
Thursday, April 3, 2025
- Opening Session and Dinner Buffet (6:30 PM) - Cost $39 per person - Welcome speeches, Keynote Address, Club Social Event (includes gaming, and food trucks)
Friday, April 4,2024
- Breakfast (no session, 8:00 AM) - Cost $24 - Workshops to follow
- Lunch (no session, 12:00 PM) - Cost $39 - Workshops continued
- Recognition Session and Dinner Buffet (7:30 PM)- Cost $51 per person - Club Awards presentations hosted by our two MC's and the presentation of District Officer Awards
Saturday, April 5, 2024
- Brunch Buffet (10:00 AM) Cost $24 per person - Scholarships presentations, retiring of the 2024-2025 District Board and the Installation of the 2025-2026 District Board and Scholarship Presentations
Rooming- Thursday and Friday Nights, April 3 and 4 ($183.00) per room, per night (inclusive of all taxes and fees and ocean views) - Please register early for room reservations. Room availability may be limited after March 5, 2025.