NASAA IAR CE Course Content Application
Course Provider Contact Name
Course Provider Contact Phone Number
Course Provider Contact Email Address
Is this course Instructor-Led, Self-Study, a Conference Event, or an Expert Panel? Note: Instructor-Led courses can be offered remotely or online.
Instructor-Led - $250.00 (i.e., The course has an instructor assigned)
Self-Study - $250.00 (i.e., No instructor)
Both Instructor-Led & Self-Study - $250.00 (i.e., the instructor-led course will be recorded as a self-study and offered that way as well. This option does require assessment items to be submitted for the self-study offering in addition to any engagement questions submitted to meet the instructor-led requirements)
Conference Event $1,000.00 (Multiple sessions & Course IDs requested - IAR participants can attend several sessions or just one for credit))
Expert Panel - $550.00
CE Component
Products & Practices (P&P)
Ethics & Professional Responsibility (E&PR)
Both (Conferences ONLY) - Only select if you are submitting an application for a conference that requires session IDs for both P&P and E&PR
Please select below whether this course will be offered for NASAA IAR CE only or if the course will be offered and comply with other CE designations as well. (Select all that apply)
Other designation - please use the text box to enter any other designations you plan to apply for that have yet to be listed.
Other designation - please use the text box to enter any other designations you plan to apply for that have yet to be listed.
Please indicate the # of credits you are applying for and hope to offer to participants who complete this course.
Course, Conference, or Expert Panel Outline or Course Syllabus Attachment
Course Application Attachment
Course Assessment or Engagement Activity Attachment
Refund Policy Attachment (if applicable)
Other Attachment (as needed)
Other Attachment (as needed)
Other Attachment (as needed)