Specified Skilled Worker Tests Inquiry Request

Maxsus malakali ishchilar uchun testlar haqida ma’lumot soʻrovi

Bu shakl faqat oʻzbek tilidagi nomzod uchun.
Agar Oʻzbekistondan tashqarida test topshirmoqchi boʻlsangiz, quyidagi Ingliz tilidagi shakl orqali biz bilan bogʻlaning.
This form is only for candidate in Uzbek.
If you would like to take test in outside Uzbekistan, please contact us through the English form below.
Iltimos, Prometric identifikator bo‘yicha roʻyxatdan oʻtgan elektron pochta manzilingizni kiriting. Agar prometrik identifikatoringiz boʻlmasa, mavjud elektron pochta manzilini kiriting. Siz tomondan koʻrsatilgan elektron pochta manziliga bizdan xat keladi, bu xat soʻrovingizni qabul qilganimizni tasdiqlaydi. Agar elektron pochta xabarini 15 daqiqa ichida ham olmagan boʻlsangiz, notoʻgʻri elektron pochta manzilini kiritgan boʻlishingiz mumkin. Iltimos, soʻrovingizni qayta yuboring va toʻgʻri elektron pochta manzilini kiriting.
Please input the email address that you registered under your Prometric ID. If you don't have a Prometric ID, please input a valid email address. You will receive an email from us at the email address you submitted, which confirms that we have received your inquiry. If you did not receive the email even after 15 minutes have passed, you may have entered an incorrect email address. Please submit your request again and enter a correct email address.
Test nomi
Test Name *
I want to *
Qaysi maʼlumotlarni oʻzgartirmoqchisiz? *
What information do you want to change ? *
Ismni o'zgartirish so'rovi bo'yicha MUHIM QAYDLAR

Ismingizni o'zgartirish bo'yicha so'rovingiz bo'yicha muhim ma'lumot (kelajakda/avval band bo'lgan)

*Agar imtihon sanalari muddatidan oldin bo'lsa, <FAQ>-ni yaxshilab o'qib chiqing.
Iltimos, ushbu shakldan foydalanmang.
★Qayta rejalashtirish muddati: sinov sanasidan 3 ish kuni oldin (agar u dam olish kunlari yoki Yaponiya davlat bayramiga to'g'ri kelsa, 4 ish kunini hisoblang)

*Agar imtihon sanalari belgilangan muddatdan keyin boʻlsa, keyingi bosqichga oʻting.
*Iltimos, test kunini to'g'ri tanlang.
*Agar sizda 4 dan ortiq bandliklar boʻlsa, keyingi maydonga test sana(lar)ingizni toʻldiring.
*Agar roʻyxatdan oʻtgan ismingiz shaxsingizni tasdiqlovchi hujjatga mos kelmasa, testdan oʻtishga ruxsat berilmasligi mumkin. Bunday holda, to'lovni qaytarish va qayta rejalashtirish so'rovi qabul qilinmaydi.
*Baho hisobotini o'zgartirish so'rovi qabul qilinmaydi.
IMPORTANT NOTES about Name Change Request
 (who has future/past reservation)
*If your test dates are before deadline, kindly read well <this page>.
Please do not use this form.
★Rescheduling period: 3 business days before your testing date (if it falls on weekend or Japanese public holiday, please count 4 business days)
*If your test dates are after deadline, please follow the next step.
*Please select your test day correctly.
*If you have more than 4 appointments, kindly fill your test date(s) in the next field.
*If your registered name is not matched with your ID document, you may not be allowed to take test. In this case, no refund and no reschedule request will be accepted.
*Score report amendment request will not be accepted.
"Ismni o'zgartirish so'rovi bo'yicha MUHIM QAYDLAR (Bron qilishdan oldin)

*Iltimos, toʻgʻri ism va boshqa elektron pochta manziliga ega boshqa Prometric ID yarating va FAQAT ushbu yangi prometrik identifikatordan foydalanib testni bron qiling.

*Bir nechta Prometric ID-dan foydalanish qat'iyan man etiladi. Agar siz ushbu qoidani buzsangiz, bu sizning ball hisobotingizga ta'sir qilishi mumkin."
IMPORTANT NOTES about Name Change Request(Before making reservation)

*Please create another Prometric ID with correct name and different email address, and reserve the test by using this new prometric ID ONLY.

*For using multiple Prometric ID is stricktly prohibited. If you violate this policy, it may affect on your score report.

*Agar imtihon sanalari muddatidan oldin bo'lsa, <veb-sayt url>-ni yaxshilab o'qib chiqing.
Iltimos, ushbu shakldan foydalanmang.

[Qayta rejalashtirish davri]: sinov sanasidan 3 ish kuni oldin (agar u dam olish kunlari yoki Yaponiya davlat bayramiga to'g'ri kelsa, 4 ish kunini hisoblang)

*Agar imtihon sanalari belgilangan muddatdan keyin bo'lsa, iltimos, to'g'ri ma'lumot bilan yangi bandlov qiling.
Eʼtibor bering, bu testni bekor qilib boʻlmaydi.
Ballar hisoboti qayta chiqarilmaydi.
*If your test dates are before deadline, kindly read well <this page>.
Please do not use this form.
[Rescheduling period]: 3 business days before your testing date (if it falls on weekend or Japanese public holiday, please count 4 business days)
*If your test dates are after deadline, please make a new reservation with correct information.
Please be aware, this test cannot be canceled.
Score report will not be reissued.
Quyidagi soʻrov maydoniga toʻgʻri tarzda jinsingizni kiriting. 
Please input your correct gender in the inquiry field below. 

Ism-sharifingiz, tugʻilgan sanangiz, jinsingiz va fuqaroligingizdan tashqari boshqa maʼlumotlarni oʻzingiz oʻzgartirishingiz kerak.
Maʼlumotlaringizni oʻzgartirish uchun roʻyxatdan oʻtish tizimiga kiring. Iltimos, quyidagi sahifaga tashrif buyuring va topshiradigan testingizni, soʻngra siz test topshiradigan mamlakatni tanlang. Keyin roʻyxatga olish tizimiga kirish uchun “tizimga kirish” tugmasini bosing.

Yuqoridagi havolani bosing

Information other than your name, date of birth, gender and nationality needs to be changed by yourself.
Please log into the registration system to change your information. Please visit the page below and select the test you will take, then select the country you will take the test in. Then press "login" to enter the registration system.

Click on the link above.

Iltimos, vaucher siyosatiga qarang:
- Iltimos, shuni yodda tutingki, siz bandlikni amalga oshirganizdan so'ng JFT Basic va Maxsus malaka ishchi testlarini bekor qila olmaysiz.
- Iltimos, to'g'ri vaucherlarni sotib oling. Siz o'zingiz xohlagan test nomi va o'tadigan mamlakatlar bilan vaucherni tanlashingiz kerak. Agar siz noto'g'ri vaucher sotib olsangiz, siz o'zgartira olmaysiz yoki hech qanday to'lovni qaytarib ololmaysiz.
- Iltimos, vaucherning amal qilish muddati tugashidan oldin testdan o'ting.
-JFT Basic va Maxsus malaka ishchi testini bekor qila olmaydi.
Voucher hech qanday holatda qaytarilmaydi, iltimos, sotib olayotganda ehtiyot bo'ling.
-Vucherning amal qilish muddati Testga qarab farq qiladi. Iltimos, xarid joyingiz orqali tekshirib oling.
Vauchersotib olingan kundan boshlab JFT Basic uchun 180 kun, Maxsus ko'nikmalar testi uchun 90 kun amal qiladi.
Biroq, oxirgi muddat - 10 mart. Iltimos, xarid qilishdan oldin vaucherning amal qilish muddatini diqqat bilan tekshiring.
Please refer the voucher policy:

-Please be aware, you cannot cancel JFT Basic and Specified Skilled Woker Tests once you make reservations.
-Please purchase correct vouchers. You must select the voucher with your desired test name and countries which you will take. If you purchase incorrect vouchers, you cannot change or get any refund.
-Please take the test BEFORE voucher expiry date. 
-JFT Basic and Specified Skilled Woker test cannot cancel. 
-Voucher is non refundable in any circumstances, please be careful when purchasing.
-The validity period of Voucher varies depending on Test. Please check with your point of purchase.
Voucher are valid for 180days for JFT Basic, 90 days fod Specified Skills Test from the date of purchase.
However, the final deadline is March 10th. Please check Voucher expiration date carefully before purchasing.
Prometric ID va parol
-Iltimos, Prometric ID-ni olganingizda birinchi elektron pochta xabariga qarang. Prometric identifikatoringizni ushbu elektron pochta orqali topishingiz mumkin.
-Agar siz parolingizni qayta o'rnatmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bron qilish tizimida "kirish" tugmasini bosgandan so'ng "Kirish muammolari" bo'limiga qarang.
-Agar Prometric ID va parolni unutib qo'ysangiz, Prometric ID-ni olganingizda Prometricdan kelgan birinchi xabarnomani tekshiring va parolingizni qayta o'rnating.
Prometric ID and Password 

-Please refer first email notification from Prometric when you obtained Prometric ID. You can find your Prometric ID in this email.
-If you want to reset your password, please refer "Login Issues" after you click "log in" in reseration system.
-If you forget both Prometric ID and password, kindly check the first notification email from Prometric which you have received when you obtained your Prometric ID, and please reset your password.
Bandlik tugallangach, bu imtihonni bekor qila olmaysiz.
Imtihon kunidan kamida 3 ish kuni oldin imtixon kunini boshqa vaqtga belgilang.
* Agar testingiz shanba, yakshanba, yapon davlat bayramiga to'g'ri kelsa, u holda 4 ish kuni bo'ladi.
You cannot cancel this exam once reservation has been completed.
Kindly reschedule your appointment latest 3 business days prior to your test day.
* If your test falls on Saturday, Sunday, Japanese public holiday, it will be 4 business days.
Bandlik tugallangach, bu imtihonni bekor qila olmaysiz.
Imtihon kunidan kamida 3 ish kuni oldin imtixon kunini boshqa vaqtga belgilang.
* Agar testingiz shanba, yakshanba, yapon davlat bayramiga to'g'ri kelsa, u holda 4 ish kuni bo'ladi.
-Voucher is no refundable in any circumstances.
-You cannot cancel this exam.
-If you fail to make reservation and be chared, it would refunded to your pay pay account automatically. (candidates who take test in Japan and PayPay users only)
Natijalarim haqidagi hisobot haqida:
About my score report: *
Test kunidan boshlab besh ish kuni ichida natijalaringiz haqidagi hisobot har bir testning roʻyxatga olish tizimida koʻrsatiladi. Iltimos, har bir test sahifasida “Tizimga kirish” tugmasini bosing va keyin “Natijalar haqidagi hisobot” tugmasini bosib, natijalaringiz haqidagi hisobotni koʻring. Agar topshirgan testingizning test sahifasidan roʻyxatdan oʻtish tizimiga kirsangiz, natijalaringiz haqidagi hisobotngiz koʻrsatiladi.
Quyidagi veb-sayt orqali test sahifalariga tashrif buyurishingiz mumkin.
List of exams|Specified Skilled Worker test|Prometric (prometric-jp.com)
Within five business days from the test day, your score report will be shown in the registration system of each test. Please press the "Login" button on each test page and then press the "Score Report" button to see your score report. Your score report will be shown only if you enter the registration system from the test page of the test you took.
You can visit test pages via web page below.
List of exams|Specified Skilled Worker test|Prometric (prometric-jp.com)
Iltimos, tizimda oʻzingiz duch kelgan xatolarni aniqlash uchun zarur boʻlgan quyidagi maʼlumotlarni oʻz ichiga olgan xatoni tasvirlab bering. Aks holda, bizga tegishli koʻmakni bera olmaymiz.
Tavsifga quyidagi maʼlumotlarni kiriting.
-Siz koʻrgan xato ekrani
-Xato ekrani paydo boʻlishidan oldin qilgan harakatingiz
Please describe the error including the following information that is needed to locate the errors in the system you faced. Otherwise we are unable to support you properly.
In the description, please include the following information.
-The error screen you saw
-The action you took just before the error screen appeared
0/1000 characters
Shaxsiy maʼlumotlarni qayta ishlash
Sizning soʻrovlaringiz faqat Prometric Japan maxfiylik siyosatini qabul qilgan bo‘lsangizgina yuboriladi.
Handling of Personal information
Your inquiries will be sent only if you agree to the privacy policy of Prometric Japan.