Iltimos, vaucher siyosatiga qarang:
- Iltimos, shuni yodda tutingki, siz bandlikni amalga oshirganizdan so'ng JFT Basic va Maxsus malaka ishchi testlarini bekor qila olmaysiz.
- Iltimos, to'g'ri vaucherlarni sotib oling. Siz o'zingiz xohlagan test nomi va o'tadigan mamlakatlar bilan vaucherni tanlashingiz kerak. Agar siz noto'g'ri vaucher sotib olsangiz, siz o'zgartira olmaysiz yoki hech qanday to'lovni qaytarib ololmaysiz.
- Iltimos, vaucherning amal qilish muddati tugashidan oldin testdan o'ting.
-JFT Basic va Maxsus malaka ishchi testini bekor qila olmaydi.
Voucher hech qanday holatda qaytarilmaydi, iltimos, sotib olayotganda ehtiyot bo'ling.
-Vucherning amal qilish muddati Testga qarab farq qiladi. Iltimos, xarid joyingiz orqali tekshirib oling.
Vauchersotib olingan kundan boshlab JFT Basic uchun 180 kun, Maxsus ko'nikmalar testi uchun 90 kun amal qiladi.
Biroq, oxirgi muddat - 10 mart. Iltimos, xarid qilishdan oldin vaucherning amal qilish muddatini diqqat bilan tekshiring.
Please refer the voucher policy:
-Please be aware, you cannot cancel JFT Basic and Specified Skilled Woker Tests once you make reservations.
-Please purchase correct vouchers. You must select the voucher with your desired test name and countries which you will take. If you purchase incorrect vouchers, you cannot change or get any refund.
-Please take the test BEFORE voucher expiry date.
-JFT Basic and Specified Skilled Woker test cannot cancel.
-Voucher is non refundable in any circumstances, please be careful when purchasing.
-The validity period of Voucher varies depending on Test. Please check with your point of purchase.
Voucher are valid for 180days for JFT Basic, 90 days fod Specified Skills Test from the date of purchase.
However, the final deadline is March 10th. Please check Voucher expiration date carefully before purchasing.