Member Information
Please complete your personal details below
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Postal Code
Home Telephone No:
Mobile Tel ( Parents mobile if under 18):
Email Address:
Name of Emergency Contact:
Telephone no: of emergency contact
Further emergency contact details
Telephone Contact Number/s of Emergency Contact
Occupation or School Attended:
Date or Birth:
Please give details of any Judo or other martial art experience.
Medical Information: Please provide details of any medical condition that we should be aware of . ie) recent accidents/ broken bones, epilepsy , asthma , diabetes etc . If you/ your child suffers from asthma please provide a clearly labeled inhaler which can be stored in the club first aid box.
I have read and agree to the code of conduct of Japan Arts Centre and to comply with insurance regulations by holding current membership of the British Judo Association