Regional Association Webinars, Wild Wednesday Webinars and Tuesday Learning Labs are free for NEPPA members, and $25 for non-members to participate.
Members and Non-members - complete the form below.
NEPPA members - your membership will be verified and you'll receive an email with the webinar link(s).  
Non-members - after submission and payment, you will receive an email with the webinar link(s).
Non-member $25.00 Webinar Registration Fee Applies (Credit Card Payment Only)  Select Webinar(s) below that you'd like to view:
Webinar 0211N
Webinar 0226N
After receipt of payment you'll receive an email confirmation with the Webinar Registration link(s).
Select Webinar(s) below that you'd like to view:
Webinar 0211
Webinar 0226
Click Next, Confirm Order and continue to the "Success" page.
After membership verification, you'll receive an email with the Webinar Registration link(s).
Secured by Formsite
New England Promotional Products Association
4 Center St. #174
Wolfeboro, NH 03894