Rockville/Germantown Art Department Scholarship Application - 2025

Dates, Deadlines and Notifications (notifications sent via email)


The Rockville and the Germantown Art Departments offers the following Studio Art and Art History scholarships to current and future Montgomery College students. Students who are pursuing an AFA: Studio Art or AA: Art degree or are interested in pursuing one of these degree programs at Montgomery College are eligible to apply. Both Studio Art and Art History applications will be evaluated by the faculty, and the selection of awardees will be based on the quality of submitted materials. Awards are applied to tuition (for credit enrollment only), and any remaining funds may be used for supplies at MC Books and More.  Scholarship awards can be credited for one semester in the following fiscal cycle: Summer 2, Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer 1, unless otherwise noted. Individual award amounts range from approximately $500  to $1500.  Awards are contingent on available funds.

Studio Art and Art History Scholarships

  • Rockville Art Department Endowed Scholarships

Studio Art Scholarships

  • Herbert D. David Memorial Endowed Scholarship (Fall Semester use only and requires up to date FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
  • Sarah Silberman Sculpture Endowed Scholarships
  • Rockville Art League Scholarship (Fall Semester use only)
  • Montgomery Art Association Scholarship (Fall Semester use only)
  • Sarah Silberman Ceramics Endowed Scholarship and Francis Toshiye Tanada Ceramics Endowed Scholarship 

Important Dates

March 7th to April 7th: Applications may be submitted from March 8th until April 8th at midnight. 

April 7th to 21th: Scholarship Committee makes selections.

April 22nd: Scholarship Applicants are notified via college email. 

May 8th: Award Ceremony in the Sarah Silberman Art Gallery (Rockvile)


Student Information

The Herbert D Memorial scholarship requires the completion of a FAFSA. If you would like to be considered for this particular scholarship please note below if you have FAFSA on file.



Major declared (if any) at Montgomery College. Art and Art History Majors Preferred. However, other Majors will be considered. *

Academic History

I am in my last semester at MC. *
Please select the Rockville Art Department or Germantown Art Department courses you have completed and are in the process of completing. Distance Learning and Remote Courses included (if you are a high school student, this section in not required.)

College Requirements for Applicants

I am currently a Senior in High School or I am a recent High School Graduate intending to enroll during the next academic year (If you answer "Yes," you will need to be admitted to the college before we can consider your application. Use the link below for admissions). *
I have a current FAFSA form on file with the Financial Aid Office (required only for Herbert D. David Memorial Endowed Scholarship) *

Portfolio (Studio Art focus) or Scholarly papers (Art History focus)

Instructions for Studio Art Portfolio and Art History Submissions:
Studio Art:
- Upload up to 5 jpeg-formatted files or paste up to 5 video links of your best artwork completed (or in the procces of being completed) as part of MC an course(s.)
- If you are a high school students or have taken a small number of MC art classes you may submit your best artwork outside of classwork. 
- The selection committee would prefer to see examples of both 2- Dimensional and 3- Dimensional work if posible.
- jpeg file dimensions should not be larger than 1200 x 1200 pixels or 8 x 8 inches.
- No higher than 150 dpi resolution.
- Jpeg image files cannot exceed 5MB 
- Each video entry should be no longer than 3 minutes in length).  
- It's fine to use your phone camera to photograph your work - just crop close to the edges of your imagery and shot against a consistent backdrop. (if you need help with file formatting please ask an Art instructor for assistance).
Paragraph Prompt
- Please attach one paragraph that discusses a major challenge that you have overcome in your journey to becoming an artist.
Art History:
Art History Documents
- Applying students need to have taken an art history course. Please attach two art history documents in Word or pdf. file. One in each of the two upload sections. 
I am interested in being considered for an MC Art Scholarship. *

I am interested in being considered for an MC Art History Scholarship. *

Image files (jpegs) and Papers (word or pdf) must be uploaded individually. Upload the file and complete the information for each submission (Title, Medium & Dimensions).

jpeg number 1. Label the jpeg file with your last name then the number 1 , example: Smith 1

jpeg number 2. Label the jpeg file with your last name then the number 2

jpeg number 3. Label the jpeg with your last name then the number 3

jpeg number 4. Label the jpeg with your last name then the number 4

jpeg number 5. Label the jpeg with your last name then number 5

Video. You may link up to 5 videos. jpegs and video combined should not exceed five. Please be sure to test your links.

Scholarship Prompt: (For Art Scholarship applicants ONLY) In one paragraph, discuss one major challenge that you have overcome in your journey to becoming an artist.

Art History Text #1: (For Art History scholarship applicants ONLY) Applying students need to have taken an art history course. Please attach one example of a written art history assignment. Two total (one in each of the two upload sections).

Art History Text #2: (For Art History scholarship applicants ONLY) Applying students need to have taken an art history course. Please attach one example of a written art history assignment. Two total (one in each of the two upload sections).

Semester Intended for Award

Please select the semester within the fiscal cycle that you would like the scholarship award posted to your account. You can defer the scholarship award for any semester within the fiscal cycle. To do so, you must submit a written request to prior to the start of the semester identified below. (Note that the Herbert D. David Memorial Endowed Scholarship, the Montgomery Art Association Scholarship and the Rockville Art League Scholarship must be applied to the Fall Semester). *

Scholarship Recipient Obligations

1) All Scholarship recipients are required to write a letter of appreciation and send it to (it's very important to do this as failure to do so will prevent the funds from being credited to your account):

Patricia E. Lopez
Montgomery College
Scholarships & State Grants Program Director
900 Hungerford Drive, Suite 200
Rockville, MD 20850

2) Recipients may be asked to participate in a special awards ceremony; if asked, you are expected to attend. 

3) Recipients may be asked to loan a work of art for a temporary display. 

4) Recipients will be asked to submit images of their work for publicity purposes; if asked, you are expected to participate. 

5) Recipients of the Montgomery Art Association Scholarship and the Rockville Art League Scholarship will be required to make a presentation to the donors during the Fall Semester.

In addition to the Rockville/Germantown Art Department Scholarships, you are highly encouraged to apply for Montgomery College Foundation Scholarships. These require a separate application. See below for a link to these scholarships. For further information regarding these scholarships, email: or Telephone: 240-567-5100

Press the Submit button below and wait for a confirmation of receipt, and you're all finished!

Thank you for applying for a Rockville/Germantown Art Department Scholarship. We wish you the very best!

If you have trouble uploading application information, contact or