X-IFU Consortium Form

Please fill in this form to update your status in the X-IFU Consortium database.
Why are you filling in this form (select one single option)? *

Let's keep in touch!

X-IFU newsletter
I agree to receive to receive the quarterly X-IFU newsletter, sent through MailChimp with the latest news of the project. You can unsubscribe at any time. According to MailChimp’s privacy policy, your contact details will not be shared with any other third-parties. *
Associate to the X-IFU Consortium
Do you want to be considered as an "Associate” to the consortium? By selecting “Yes”, you agree to keep your name and email address in the main X-IFU mailing list (xifu-at-large). *
X-IFU website
As an "Associate to the X-IFU consortium", I hereby authorize the X-IFU Principal Investigator to list me as such on the public X-IFU website (http://x-ifu.irap.omp.eu). The webpage will only include my last name, first name, abridged affiliation, country of affiliation. You can revoke this authorization at a later time by sending an email to the X-IFU PI. *

Please provide your affiliation here.

Current position *
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X-IFU Privacy Policy

According to The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, “personal data" is any information relating to an individual, whether it relates to their private, professional or public life. It can be anything from a name, a home address, a photo, an email address... For the X-IFU project, personal data refers to the data provided through the X-IFU consortium membership form. My personal data will be available for the lifetime of the X-IFU project starting from filling the present form or until I notify in writing my wish to change or withdraw it.
I am aware that getting my personal data published only aims to provide visibility to my contribution to the development of the X-IFU and facilitate the communication within the consortium.

By joining the X-IFU consortium, I hereby authorize the X-IFU Principal Investigator (Dr. Didier Barret) to collect, process and use my personal data for any X-IFU related project activities, as deemed necessary by the consortium and project leads. Project activities include sharing information about the development of the project to the consortium.

I agree to the addition of my name and email address to the relevant X-IFU mailing lists used to share information within the consortium. I agree to the creation of a CapLinked account using my name and email address, in order to access necessary documents shared by the consortium.
I agree to the creation of a CapLinked account using my name and email address, in order to access necessary documents shared by the consortium.
I have read and accept the privacy policy *
X-IFU website
I hereby authorize the X-IFU Principal Investigator to publish my personal data as a member of the X-IFU Consortium on the public X-IFU website (http://x-ifu.irap.omp.eu) and social networks. For webpage display “personal data” only includes my last name, first name, abridged affiliation, country of affiliation, and in some limited cases, the role played in the project. You can revoke this authorization at a later time by sending an email to the X-IFU PI. *
X-IFU newsletter
I agree to receive to receive the quarterly X-IFU newsletter, sent through MailChimp with the latest news of the project. You can unsubscribe at any time. According to MailChimp’s privacy policy, your contact details will not be shared with any other third-parties. *


Image credit: ESA/IRAP/CNRS/UT3/CNES/Fab&Fab