If the holiday is approved, you are reminded that if you leave employment with this employer having taken holidays more than your accrued entitlement, the excess will be reclaimed and deducted from your wages. In the event that the quantity owed exceeds the wages owed, you will refund the difference to the employer.
We will purchase appropriate uniforms for your use. All uniforms will be returned on leaving in reasonable and clean condition. The expectation for returned uniforms is five working days. Where uniforms are not returned, a charge will be made to cover the cost of replacement.
The cost of each shirt is £30.
The cost of each jacket is £45.
If, as a result of your carelessness or negligence, we and/or our clients, suffer loss or damage to work equipment (including vehicles), this will be construed as a serious breach of conduct. Where this is construed as particularly serious, this may render you liable to pay the full or part of the cost of repair or replacement, or insurance excess if appropriate. If you fail to pay, we reserve the right to deduct the costs from your pay.
If on leaving Academy Care, for whatever reason, you fail to work your full contractual notice without the organization's prior agreement (recorded here as seven working days), an amount equal to the additional cost of covering your duties for the period not worked may be deducted from any final monies due to you. This is calculated, on a case-by-case basis, based on the charge a third-party agency or supervisory member of staffs hourly rate will charge us to cover your normal work pattern.
If, on leaving Academy Care, for whatever reason, you fail to return any organisation equipment/property that may have been entrusted to you during your employment (including PPE), at least two working days prior to your official leaving date, an amount equal to the cost of the property/equipment will be deducted from any final monies due to you, this value will be equal to the “buy cost” of the equipment and not the resell value of the equipment.
Loans and advances will be made in accordance with the policy covering such matters, and, Academy Care has the authority to deduct the agreed schedule of repayments from your wages, or the full balance owed on termination.
The Training Policy & Procedure states the policy of Academy Care on recovery of training costs is: if an employee leaves within their 12-week probationary period or, if their employment is terminated within the same 12-week probationary period, we will recover to date training costs by way of invoice or deduction from wages. You will be reminded of this potential liability on each occasion when you apply for training for which the organisation incurs costs, and told what the liability may be, and the time to which it applies.
Our standard policy is that £2.75 will be deducted from each of your wages, to cover the cost of eLearning (exclusively).
Where the company has completed classroom training or external training with you, the cost will be deducted based on your length of service with Academy Care.
Less than six months from the date the training was completed will result in the full cost of training being recovered.
Between six months and one year; 75% of the training cost will be recovered.
Between one year and 18 eighteen months; 50% of the training cost will be recovered.
Between 18 months and 2 years; 25% of the training cost will be recovered.
Two years onwards, the training will officially belong to you
If you should incur any fines for parking or other motoring offenses, or civil offenses you will be personally accountable for the payment of such fines. Fixed Penalty Notices incurred whilst using an Academy Care vehicle(s) are normally reported directly to us by the authorities. We reserve the right to pay such fixed penalties on your behalf and deduct the cost from you wage/salary.
Where accommodation is provided by Academy Care, a charge will be made from wages due in accordance with the letter of agreement in respect of the accommodation.
DBS Payment
If Academy Care Ltd. agreed to pay your initial DBS payment and you haven’t completed 600 hours, we reserve the right to deduct the total cost of the DBS from your final wage. The current cost of DBS is £70.00.