Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Crouching Tigers 3 year anniversary Seminar
We are asking for donations for this seminar. It would be nice if each person was able to donate $50.00 for our fundraiser. If you cannot, Please donate what you can.  
The “Crouching Tigers 3 year anniversary Seminar” will be held July 27th 2024.  

Thank you for your continued support and study; we look forward to this opportunity in 2024 to continue working with you. As always, please reach out to us if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns. Thank you!


Crouching Tigers
Brandon & Sasha Contreras

Participant Registration

How would you like to Pay? - Cash - Check made out to Brandon Contreras *
I am a *

Wavier of Liability & Video, Image Release

WAIVER – Online

I the undersigned, do hereby voluntarily submit my application for attendance and participation in the Crouching Tiger L.L.C.,  and hereby assume full responsibility for any and all damages, injuries, or losses that I sustain or incur, if any, while attending or participating, and I waive all claims against promoters, operators, instructors, or sponsors of said Training Camp individually or otherwise from any claims for injuries that I might sustain. These instructors are Brandon Contreras, Sasha Contreras, Joseph Salcone Jerold Shaw, and any others who teach, attend, study, etc., at this event in 2024.  I fully understand that any medical treatment given to me will be of a first aid treatment type only.

  • If the participant is under 18, this release and consent is to be signed by Parent or Guardian, with the underage student signing as well.

I further agree that the Crouching Tiger L.L.C. and APSK artial Arts may publish mine or my child’s/ward’s pictures in social media promoting the Crouching Tiger L.L.C. event.

I understand that the instructor(s) and/or writer of the following material(s) did explain to me the possibility and probability of the lethality or crippling nature of the following techniques, should they be used appropriately or otherwise. This form also releases from liability or indemnity any trainers, instructors, other students, teachers, participants, etc. I also acknowledge, understand, and agree that the author(s) and instructor(s) assume no responsibility, liability, or indemnity for the use or misuse of the following provided information and materials. All indemnity and responsibility are my own, and rests solely with the executor or practitioner of the materials taught at the Crouching Tiger L.L.C. OR APSK artial Arts, their affiliated schools and institutions, and instructors, teachers, participants, etc. This waiver also covers any and all others who teach, attend, study, etc., at this event in 2024. All information is for informational and educational purposes only, that I, and I alone, am responsible for my actions and any injuries that may occur on myself or ward: I hereby release the author(s), instructor(s), sponsor(s), and/or any other participant(s) or teacher(s) from any and all indemnity, liability, or responsibility, as a result of learning or using this material(s). I understand that these techniques are possibly lethal, crippling, and life-changing/ altering, but provided for informational purposes and educational purposes only, and that neither the author(s), creator(s), trainer(s), practitioner(s), student(s), etc., of the Crouching Tiger L.L.C. OR APSK artial Arts, have any liability or indemnity, obligations or responsibilities for the use or misuse of the information and education that they provide. I have been told to run if I can, should the need or desire to use the following information that I, or my underaged student, should arise. The following training has been provided for learning and that we participants of said training (which will commence after this paperwork is completed) are encouraged to FOLLOW THE LAWS in both spirit and letter.  Safety is the Priority!!!

Furthermore, we note that the author(s), trainer(s), sponsor(s), student(s), participant(s), etc., do not discriminate based on age, race, religion, sexuality, politics, or other such “defining” characteristics. We acknowledge that many cultures around the world are knife cultures, meaning that they train with a knife or a form of martial arts from a young age: Some of these being the Philippines, Muslims, Japanese, Indonesians, some Native American Clans, some African Tribes, and many others. This is not to say that the author(s) or trainer(s) discriminates in any way, shape, or form according to the above mentioned, or any other, ways, but is rather in awe and enjoys learning, as well as sharing that knowledge!  In this additional training we are to be taught how to theoretically protect ourselves or others, should the need arise, and that we are to run – because we are to assume that our opponents are stronger, faster, better trained, have fewer inhibitions, are smarter, etc.,  I, being of sound mind and possibly body, and of lawful age do give consent and permission to attend the seminar(s) and other training to learn. Furthermore, I am of lawful age to sign this protective and legal contract, or my parent(s)/ guardian(s) have also looked over this and have also agreed to and signed this legal and protective professional contract which releases others from any liability or indemnity whether they are teaching, learning or watching. I have never been deemed incompetent or unfit and am reminded again that “Safety is the Priority!” or “Safety is Paramount!” in training and in life.

Further, I, hereby grant permission to the Crouching Tiger L.L.C. OR APSK artial Arts,, to take and use; Photographs, and/ or digital images or videos of me for use in news releases, books, and/ or social media. These materials might include printed or electronic publications, websites, or other electronic communications. I further agree that my name and identity may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the image(s). I authorize the use of these images without compensation to me.

Signature of participant (or legal guardian if under 18 years old.) *