Your pledge to EUU is a promise you make to give time, money or other personal resources toward the continued health of our European Unitarian Universalist community (UU's in Europe).
People often give BOTH time AND money, as both are needed to keep EUU working for everyone. The gifts generously given and gratefully received create a rich space for spiritual interconnectedness & growth.
The Financial Support link found below takes you to our separate, confidential financial giving form. Only the current EUU Pledge Drive Coordinator and Treasurer can see what you put in this form.
The rest of this form collects your Personal Priorities for EUU, and "Time and Energy" pledges. Your time is as valuable as money and we want to honor that by tracking this generosity, too. This information will be shared with officers and other project and committee leaders of EUU.
Thank you for playing your part in our EUU Community!