EOF Graduate Grant Application Deadlines:

2024 Fall & 2025 Spring Semester Graduate Grant Applications* September 15, 2024

2025 Spring Only Graduate Grant Applications* January 19th, 2025

(* = Late & Incomplete Applications will not be accepted.)


Academic Information:

Semester(s) of Academic Year 2024 - 2025 Attendance: *
If yes, please indicate the level of graduate degree received. (e.g. MS, MPH, MBA, MFA, PhD, M.D, J.D., Psy.D., Ed.D., etc)
What is your current graduate degree department? (e.g., English, History, Chemistry, etc.): *
What is your Graduate degree program? (e.g., MBA, Educational Leadership, etc.): *

Financial Information:

Questions or concerns, please contact the EOF Associate Director.
Petal R. Gadsden M.S.W
p. (908)737-4040
e. pebritto@kean.edu 
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