Nicole Bressler's photography is a form of liscensed art. For that reason, please inform all participants or those present during our sessions that cameras, cell phones, or other photographic and/or recording devices are not allowed to recapture shots created by Nicole. Unfortunately this is very distracting to the subjects and the photographer and can compromise your images. Cell phones or other photography devices are strictly prohibited and could result in loss of stock if it becomes a continual incident.
All images produced during your stock sessions/events remain the property of Beholding You Photography and Nicole Bressler. According to US Copyright Law, Nicole Bressler retains the copyright to all images. The images provided to you are licensed to you for personal purposes only, included by not limited to: printing, copying, emailing, and web publishing. That said, please acknowledge Nicole Bressler and/or Beholding You Photography when sharing or publishing, for example to Facebook or Instagram or any other web publishing site. To make it easy, feel free to share posts directly from the Facebook site.
Additionally, this license does not include use that results in financial gain, including by not limited to: advertising, stock photography, print sale profits, or resale of any nature. You may not under any circumstance alter, edit or change images which includes but is not limited to photo editing apps and filters such as Instagram. By using any of these images, you are agreeing to said terms.