Thank you for your interest in being a volunteer for the IASD Annual Conference. Fill out this application form and select one or more of the FOUR volunteer position choices below. Please rank your choices as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd priority (or the same if two or more are of equal priority).
To be fair to others, please be fairly certain that you can attend before you apply, and do note the fee is non-refundable once you confirm by registering for the conference and paying the volunteer fee within the deadline requested in your acceptance letter. The fee allows you to attend the full conference by working approximately 12 to 14 hours for $200 (€180) which includes recordings.
Instructions: Complete the following 4 steps to become a volunteer
Step #1 - Apply with this Form: a) Complete all boxes marked with an*; b) read each of the positions, then in the dropdown box, select the ones you wish to apply for and rank them as first, second and third priority (if you like some equally then give it the same ranking); c) complete the remaining information; d) SUBMIT the form. The system will send an email that we received your application, however this is not a confirmation of acceptance so don’t register as a volunteer yet until you get your formal Acceptance Letter from the IASD Volunteer Manager.
Step #2 – Acceptance Letter Sent to You: Your application will be reviewed by the IASD Volunteer Manager and a notice of "approval" or "wait list" status will be sent to you within about two weeks or less of receiving your online application. You will be asked to confirm your acceptance of the position and to register by a deadline specified in the letter. If you do not hear of your acceptance status within three weeks’ time, please notify us at **Please add now to your contacts to prevent the notification from going to a spam filter.**
Step #3 – Respond that You Accept the Assignment: When you get the Acceptance Letter please send a confirming response back that lets us know you received it, agree with your assigned position and intend to register. If we don't hear from you within 10 days we will assume you declined.
Step #4 - Register for the Conference: Your status will remain as accepted but “pending” until you register for the conference. You must register prior to the date requested in your Acceptance Letter in order to be “confirmed” as a volunteer (usually within 60 days of acceptance but can vary as we get closer to the conference date). Do not register as a volunteer until you receive your Acceptance Letter. If you need to register early before acceptance (as a presenter for example), and are later approved as a volunteer, we will adjust your fee with a reimbursement. To register, go to the Conference Web Page and the Registration Link and select the Volunteer Registration form. There you can pay the $200 ((€180) fee. Also pay for any meals and any other special fee-based events or CEs you wish to take advance of. Recording access is included in your volunteer fee. We will track your registration and once you have registerd, we will consider you confirmed.
Follow-up Notifications: If we do not see that you have registered by the requested deadline on your acceptance letter we will send you a final notice to register within a few days’ time. If you have not registered by that deadline and/or no response is received, out of fairness to others and to finalize our scheduling, we will need to remove you from the list and give the position to someone on the waiting list.