2025 Juried Dream Art Exhibition Entry Form

The deadline for entries is 11:59 pm GMT,

Tuesday, 15 April 2025

Remember that art is eligible only if based on dreams that occur during sleep (including lucid dreaming) or shamanic practice. If you have questions about whether your art qualifies, please send them to vac@asdreams.org.

You will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission.

General Information

Are you a current IASD member? *
I give IASD permission to exhibit images of my work online, with accompanying dream text and full credit to me as the artist, as part of the Dream Art gallery on the IASD website. (NOTE: The online gallery is a permanent part of the IASD website.) *
I give IASD permission to reproduce one or more of my images, with accompanying dream text and full credit to me as the artist, in DreamTime, the members-only publication of IASD. *
Do you give IASD permission to reproduce one or more of your images, with accompanying dream text and full credit to you, in other IASD communications (e.g., social media, phone-based apps)? *
I confirm that a high resolution (300 dpi) version of each submitted image is available should IASD require it for print in any IASD publication. *

Sale of your art. If you wish to have your work available for purchase by attendees, you may indicate your suggested purchase price in the space provided with each work.

If anyone wishes to purchase a work, it is our policy that they negotiate directly with the artist, so we will include your email address with the item so that the buyer can connect directly with you.

We do ask (and expect) artists to make a donation to IASD, normally 20% of the sales price. This is some compensation for having made the work available for purchase through our exhibit. You may make your donation through http://www.asdreams.org/. Go to About IASD and then the Make a Donation link. Or you may simply send a check to the IASD Central Office at IASD PO Box 582, Folsom, CA 95763.

Image Requirements

  • Files should be in JPG format only.
  • Images should display in the proper orientation, with resolution set at 72 dpi and sized to open no larger than 8” x 10” (regardless of orientation).  
  • Minimum file size is 1 megabyte per image, and maximum file size is 3 megabytes per image.  
  • Image file names should include the artist's name and an image number (e.g. Smith1, Smith1detail, Smith2).

FOR VIDEO ENTRIES: For each video entry you submit below, upload an image from the video. In addition, load the video onto a site such as YouTube and provide the link where indicated below.

Artwork Items

You may submit up to five items.
0/100 words

Submitting more than one artwork is optional.
But for each additional work, all fields are required.

0/100 words

0/100 words

0/100 words

0/100 words

Detail Images

You may submit a total of two images showing greater detail. 


By pressing the SUBMIT button below, you acknowledge your understanding that submission of works to this exhibition constitutes an agreement by you to all conditions set forth in the Prospectus, including the following:
There is a NON-REFUNDABLE submission fee of $25 (€23) per artist. You must pay this fee if: a) you are NOT registering and paying for the main conference; or b) you are a full scholarship awardee and have registered as such.
For others submitting art, the submission fee is waived if you are registering and paying for either a single day or the whole conference, and you can register using the presenter discount on the Presenter Registration Form.