ILA National Recognition
Program Reviewer Application Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming an ILA National Recognition program reviewer.


The following is a list of qualifications and performance expectations for program review:   
  1. Be a current ILA member and adhere to the ILA Membership Policy and Member Code of Conduct.
  2. Be available and agree to review program documents at least once a year for no fewer than three (3) years.
  3. Commit to meeting all review cycle deadlines.
  4. Have three (3) or more years of teaching or other experience related to pre-K–12 reading or literacy instruction and/or have expertise in the field of teaching, administration, teacher education, research, and/or program evaluation.
  5. Have basic knowledge about interpretation of data, performance-based assessment, use of rating scales and rubrics, and analysis of written information.
  6. Have the ability to make objective professional judgements about reading/literacy specialist and elementary/intermediate classroom education programs based on their alignment to ILA's Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals.
  7. Possess excellent writing skills that convey clear, substantive judgements about each program, support review decisions and, when necessary, provide institutions the information needed to align their program to the ILA standards.
  8. Possess good interpersonal skills and have the ability to interact with team members in a courteous and collegial manner and to work toward consensus in team deliberations.
  9. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest prior to assignment; should any conflicts arise during the review cycle, report them to the team lead promptly.
  10. Agree to strict confidentiality.

Reviewer Information

* Required Information
Sign into your membership account at Scroll down and click on the "My Membership Card and Certificate" link. A separate window will open with your membership information including your member number.
Title *

ILA will provide written documentation of service for the volunteer's promotion and annual evaluations.

Education and Experience

Upload the following items to this form:
  1. A curriculum vitae that includes educational background; credentials/certifications; academic, professional and community contributions; selected publications; and professional affiliations and honors
  2. A short written statement and/or a bulleted list of reviewer experiences related to accreditation or program reviews
To upload your files, please click Choose File to locate your document. Select the document and click Open to attach it to this form.

If you are unable to upload, please send your materials to

Additional Information

Please indicate which program(s) you are requesting to review. *

*Please note that clicking Agree for the next three statements constitutes your electronic signature.
1. I understand the three-year term and orientation requirements involved in serving as a program reviewer. *
2. I am able to send and receive email attachments and access the internet. *
3. I understand the confidentiality issues involved in program review and I agree to abide by the ILA Membership Policy and ILA Member Code of Conduct for ILA National Recognition program review. *
International Literacy Association
PO Box 8139
Newark, DE 19714-8139
*Please click SUBMIT below after completing your application.*