Volunteer Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in getting involved and offering your time to help guide our organization in our mission of connecting research and practice to improve the quality of literacy learning around the globe

ILA committees and task forces are comprised of appointed volunteers. The workload, typically requires 2–4 hours per month of volunteers’ time and, depending on the charges, work usually concludes within 9–18 months.

Because we often have more volunteers than available committee/task force slots, we’re not always able to accommodate every request to serve.  If you are not assigned to a committee or task force, we will keep your form on file for one year as a potential resource for other opportunities.

 * Required fields
Are you an ILA member? *
Please note that ILA membership is required to serve on committees and task forces. 
Expertise/Area of Interest *
Upload a file: (Optional)  This will help us determine the best volunteer opportunity for you.

A file could include a curriculum vitae or bio listing professional experience, education, and publications.

To upload your file, please select Choose File to locate your document in your files and then select Open to attach to the form. Please note that PDFs are preferred.  

If you are unable to upload your file, please send via email to volunteer@reading.org.  

If you have any questions about the Volunteer Interest Form, please contact us at volunteer@reading.org.