Registration CLOSED

If you wish to see if your daughter/son can still attend Dance Camp 2019... please email PRIOR to registering below. Any registration below without prior approval (to verify we have spots available) will be turned away on Monday July 15th. 
If there are spots available - the registration FEE has INCREASED.

Juniors: Ages 11+ Dance Camp July 15th - July 18th

Dance Camp Registration DEADLINE is June 30th
LATE Registration (if spots are available) will be July 1st - July 5th (with price increase)
My son/daughter will be entering at least 6th grade or above for the 2019/2020 school year: *
Returning Camper? *
Are you a current member of the TSMS or TSHS ColorGuard/WinterGuard? *
Are you a current member of the USF HOT CG or WG?
Sex *
I am aware that camp is: July 15th - July 18th MON - THUR 9am-5pm with the showcase @ 3pm on THUR at Tarpon Springs MIDDLE School *

Camp Payment Due

Current Total:

Parent/Guardian Contact Info

Emergency Contact Info

My son/daughter has permission to walk, bike or drive themselves home: *

Medical Info

My child has no known allergies
This causes anaphylaxis
This causes anaphylaxis
The Conservatory fo the Arts DANCE CAMP staff will NOT administer medication, except in an emergency situation and/or we have explicit permission from parents.


I understand that the Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP does not provide insurance. I also understand that children with reoccuring behavioral problems will be dismissed from camp without a refund. Misconduct will not be tolerated.
Last date for full refunds is June 30th, 2019. After June 30th, 2019, 60% of all fees are non-refundable. On and after July 15th, 2019, all funds are non-refundable. Please sign below to verify your knowledge of the above refund policy and that all of your information as well as your child's concerning their information, emergency contacts and medical history are correct and to the best of your knowledge.

I, on behalf of myself, and the below named child (“Participant”) (collectively, the “Consentee”) acknowledge that as a participant in the CONSERVATORY FOR THE ARTS DANCE CAMP (the “Program”) that the Participant may engage in, among other things, recreational activities and dance activities. Consentee agrees to assume all risks and liabilities associated with Participant’s participation in the Program and to hold the Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP, its directors, officers, agents, contractors and employees (collectively, “Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP”) harmless from any and all claims, causes of action, losses or damages arising from or as a result of Participant’s participation in the Program, except due to the negligence or wrongful act or omission of the Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP. However, the Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP’s liability hereunder is subject to the extent and limitations of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, and nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of the Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP’s sovereign immunity beyond that provided in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes.

Consentee also hereby authorizes the Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP to photograph, record, tape, film or electronically capture in permanent form the Participant and Participant’s name, likeness, image, voice, biographical and personal information, appearance and/or performance, and/or further to use and publish the writings of Participant (collectively, the “Work”).

Consentee further grants the Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP full permission to edit the original Work as shall be deemed necessary; that the Work and Participant’s name may be used, published and distributed, without remuneration to Consentee in whole or in part, for educational, instructional, advertising or promotional purposes in print or over open broadcast, cable, audio-visual, radio, closed circuit exhibition, computer link, Internet or other medium as deemed appropriate by the Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP, in perpetuity, throughout the world. For these purposes, Consentee waives and relinquishes my rights and the rights of the Participant with respect to any personal rights, privacy rights and protections, including, but not limited to, those rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended (FERPA), Section 1002.21 and 1002.22, Fla. Stat., Section 23 of Article I of the Florida Constitution and The Board of Trustees Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP. Said Work shall become the sole property of Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP and may be copyrighted in its own name or name of its choosing.

Consentee also releases the Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP from any and all claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy or other claims based on Participant’s appearance and/or performance and the recording of such, and agrees to hold the Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP harmless from any and all claims by third parties, including any claim based on an allegation of copyright infringement related to Participant’s appearance or performance.


The Conservatory for the Arts DANCE CAMP also encompasses the Tarpon Springs GUARD CAMP.

Please sign here to acknowledge consent and confirmation that all of the information entered above is correct: *


The next page requires you to pay through PayPal. Your registration will go through to the staff as soon as you click below, however, you will not be considered officially enrolled until your PayPal transaction is complete. You will receive an email from Conservatory for the Arts Dance Camp as well as PayPal!
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