Researchers interested in applying for CFAR Microgrants, must complete the following application. Applicants will generally be notified of funding decision within 2 weeks of submission.
Applicant name (Last, First)
Faculty Appointment (i.e., Post doc, Instructor, Investigator, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor)
Academic Institution
Email address:
Investigator category (please select one)
NIH AIDS PI (PI on an R01 equivalent grant in HIV/AIDS)
NIH PI being brought into AIDS research (PI on an R01 grant, but not HIV related)
AIDS Research Pipeline (NIH New Investigator who may have received funding from NIH, but not yet in the R01 equivalent - K/R21 awardee
CFAR User who has not yet received funding on any NIH mechanism
Project Title:
NIH Application Identification number (i.e., R01DA123456):
Due date of Resubmission:
Description of Project (Specific Aims):
Score (impact/priority): Attach NIH Summary Statement
Description of requested support and how funds will help to further research for resubmission application:
Amount requested ($2,500- $5,000/award):
Upload budget justification