Do you have a design that you would like to print on our 3D printer?  

If yes, we can help! Please fill out the form below to let us know when it would be convenient for you to meet with a staff member and the 3D printer.

Please note:

  • Files should be attached and in an .stl file.
  • The cost per print is $2.00 per hour or $1 per 1/2 hour or printing.
  • You will receive an email from a staff member to set up an appointment. Not all days/times are available for 3D printing. Unfortunately, staff can not accommodate walk-in requests to use the 3D printer.
What color filament would you like to use? *
Please read and agree to the following terms:
LIBRARY POLICY 3D Printer Policy (adopted by the Board of Trustees 3/26/14) 3D printers are being used for educational, workshop, and programming purposes to make three-dimensional objects in plastic using a design that is uploaded from a digital computer file. The Library's 3D printers may be used only for lawful purposes. Users will not be permitted to use the Library's 3D printers to create material that is: a) Prohibited by local, state or federal law. b) Unsafe, harmful, dangerous, poses a threat to the well-being of others, or is otherwise inappropriate for the Library environment. (Such use may also violate the terms of use of the manufacturer.) c) In violation of another's intellectual property rights. For example, the printers will not be used to reproduce material that is subject to copyright, patent or trademark protection. The Library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request. Supervision of the use of the 3D printer by Library staff does not constitute knowledge, or acknowledgement, of any unapparent final use of the 3D product, and the Library specifically disclaims any knowledge thereof. *