Make your payment now - Registrations are not complete unless payment is received....

This is a secure site, which enables you to securely pay by credit card or bank account.  We accept Visa, Mastercard, or American Express.  You may also pay by e-check.  Tryout fees are a one time non-refundable fee of $30.00 per player to tryout for NW Juniors Elite VBC.  Questions? Email:

THIS IS STEP C: Have you completed STEP A (Complete your USAV forms, USAV membership), and UPLOADED these to STEP B (Player Profile*?) *This is the form where you tell us about your athlete's experience, age group, and which location you want to tryout for. *
Since you answered NO, please note you MUST complete STEPS A & B FIRST. 
Do not continue with STEP C unless you have completed A & B - There is no refund once payment is made.