2024 Spring Session Registration Form

To save a lesson spot, please fill out this form in it's entirety.
We take great care in our riders safety. To ensure we have the most accurate emergency contact & health information of each rider we have included a waiver and rider information section in this form.
Have Questions?
If you are looking for more information on our lesson program before registering? Check out our website, social media, email, call or text us! We are happy to help.
Contact Info
*please email or text for fastest response*
Email: info@rivendaleequestrian.ca
Call/Text: 289-456-3981
Website: https://rivendaleequestrian.ca/lessons

Rider Participant Information

Primary Emergency Contact Information

Rider Health

Does the Rider have any health concerns we should be aware of? *

Choose Your Lesson(s) Date & Time

Spring Session Dates
Begins: Sunday March 10th 2024 
Ends: Saturday June 1st 2024
Spring Session Prices
Private Lesson: $660 plus hst
Group Lesson: $480 plus hst
Lesson Type Descriptions
Novice Group Lesson: This group designation is for the rider still in the beginning stages who can walk, halt & steer their horse safely.
Intermediate Group Lessons: This group designation is for the rider who can now confidently walk / trot and is developing their canter and lateral skills.
Advanced Group Lessons: This group desgination is for the rider who can confidently walk/trot/canter and is developing their advanced lateral skills, leg yeild, shoulder in, half pass and their overall refinement into mastery. 
Adult Group Lessons: Any group designated as ADULT is for riders 18 yrs and older.
Private Lesson: Private lessons are available at all ages & levels, they consist of one rider with one coach. These are ideal for the new rider to help develop their confidence and safety skills or for the advanced rider who prefers a smaller setting.
Don't see a lesson day/time left available that works for you? No problem, please contact us and we would be happy to try our best to help you find a spot that does work with your schedule.
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Let's Make Sure We're on the Same Page

The following questions are to ensure that every individual fully understands the new registration process, general rules of the facility & other notices. If anyone selects the No, I Do Not Understand & Disagree box, their form will be considered incomplete and you will be sent an email for further inquiry.
Do you understand & agree to all of the rules and regulations listed below: *
Rivendale Equestrian Facility Rules & Regulations

General Lesson Information

All lessons are one hour in length and include learning how to groom and tack the horse. This is a vital step in learning how to ride horses as it ensures the health and safety of our horses and riders. The facilities goal is that each rider learn to groom and tack independently with the assistance / supervision of the instructor.

Since all riding takes place outdoors, should the weather be too inclement to ride safely, an unmounted in barn lesson will take place in lieu of riding. These unmounted lessons will cover various important horse topics such as feed, handling, medical care, tack care and more; and will be assigned based on the skill level of the rider(s).

Watching Lessons

Parents / guardians, or other guests are absolutely allowed to stay and watch the lesson. When the participant is riding, we unforuntaly at this time do not have outdoor seating but plan to install some in the future. In the interm, we ask that all parents, guardians or other guests watch lessons by either standing outside the arena fence or you are more than welcome to bring a portable chair to sit in. Parents, guardians or other guests are not permitted to watch/view lessons by parking your vehicle to ensure you have a good vantage point. Vehicles may only be parked in the designated locations. To ensure their is room for others to move their vehicles, horse/rider safety & emergency vehicles, anyone parked in an inappropriate spot will be asked to kindly move their vehicle. If the offender reacts with animosity or refuses to move, they and their child (if applicable) will be asked to leave the premises with no lesson refund. This is for the safety of everyone at Rivendale Equestrian.

Location & Parking

We are located at 4633 Hwy 6, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0

The only acceptable parking areas are either directly in front of the barn, or directly in front of the round hay bales, there is absolutely no parking your vehicle to watch the lesson, blocking any laneway or parking on the grass. Anyone parked in an unacceptable area will be asked to move their vehicle. If you do not comply or are rude to any staff member you will be asked to leave the property for the day with no make up lesson scheduled.


For their safety, every rider needs to come dressed in the following attire:

  • Full length pants such as tights, jeans or riding breeches
  • Long hair is to be tied back
  • Gloves are recommended but not required, such as gardening gloves or riding gloves
  • Each rider must have their own ASTM certified helmet, a bicycle or hockey helmet can’t be used as they are not certified for equestrian sport. It is my priority to keep each rider safe so there are no substitutes.
  • Affordable helmets can be purchased at Misty Lane Tack, Greenhawk Burlington or Pleasant Ridge in Brantford. ​​Please do not buy a helmet from Decathalon in Burlington. Their helmets do not meet the North American safety standard.
  • Boots with at least a half inch heel that cover the ankle, such as rain boots or riding boots.
  • Lessons take place outdoors and it is recommended you dress in layers appropriate for the current weather.
  • If a rider attends a lesson without the mandatory safety attire, they will be unable to ride, and an unmounted lesson will be provided in lieu of riding. To ensure the rider’s safety, the unmounted lesson will be geared towards the rider’s skill level along with the attire the rider does have at present time. For example, if a rider does not have a helmet, safer lesson topics such as advanced grooming will be chosen over more active subjects such as lunging.

Payment & Refunds


Each lesson booking will receive an invoice. The lesson is not fully confirmed or booked until the payment outlined in the invoice is paid in full, or a payment plan is agreed upon in writing and the first payment has been received. Currently, we only accept e-transfer as payment. You may send all payments via e-transfer to info@rivendaleequestrian.ca

Missed, Canceled & Make Up Lessons for Lesson Sessions

Each rider is allotted one make up lesson per session. Make up lessons are only provided if we receive at least 48 hours written notice emailed to info@rivendaleequestrian.ca.

Any other missed lessons are forfeited.

Potential make up lesson dates will be provided by the facility & may not necessarily be on the same day & time that the rider is registered for. The facility will be as accommodating as possible but due to the lesson, horse & staff schedule can only offer so many options.

Missed, Canceled & Make Up Lessons for Single Lessons

Make up lessons are only provided if we receive at least 48 hours written notice emailed to info@rivendaleequestrian.ca. Any other missed lessons are forfeited.

Facility Cancellations

If the facility must cancel a session for any reason, we will absolutely provide a make up, credit or refund.


Once an invoice for lessons is partially paid or paid in full, Rivendale Equestrian does not offer refunds beyond what is listed under Missed, Canceled & Make Up Lessons.

General Rules

1. Do not ever approach the house. That is private residence and under no circumstance should a patron of Rivendale Equestrian go to the house. If there is an emergency, call 911 and then contact Clarissa by phone 289-456-3981.

2. There is no running allowed on the property. Please walk at all times.

3. All guests must wear footwear at all times. To enter the barn you must be wearing closed toe footwear. Anyone not wearing appropriate footwear is not allowed in the barn. 

4. There is absolutely no smoking inside the barn. All smoking must take place at least 10m from the barn. All cigarette butts must be disposed off, it is forbidden to leave cigratte butts on the ground. 

5. Do not climb on any fencing or equipment.

6. It is the responsibility of the rider or parent / guardian if rider is under the age of 18 yrs old, to ensure any and all guests including children are aware of the facility rules.

7. Do not litter, there are garbage and recycling bins inside the barn.

8. Participants of the lesson program are not allowed to bring their dog or any other animal to the facility.

9. Remain at minimum 10m from the pond at all times.

10. Any children who are not enrolled in the lesson program but who attend the facility are the sole responsibility of the parent / guardian of the enrolled child. Rivendale Equestrian staff are unable to monitor children not enrolled in the program.

11. Do not drive or park on the grass.

12. Do not feed or touch any horse unless you have been given express permission. 

Do you understand & agree that the selected lesson spot(s) are not fully saved for yourself or your child until it has been paid in full or a payment plan has been placed into agreement? *

Waiver & Release of Liability

In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the Rivendale Equestrian, equestrian program, related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that:

1. The risk of injury from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; and,

2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and,

3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If however I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and,

4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASEANDHOLDHARMLESS,ClarissaHills&RivendaleEquestriantheir officers, officials, agents and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event (“Releasees”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE.

5. The rider understands that there are no refunds for any lessons. A make up or lesson credit will be issued only if 48 hours written notice of a cancellation is provided.

6. All riders must have their own ASTM/SEI certified helmet & other proper riding attire or their lesson will be denied without refund.


Participant's Signature (If over 18 years) OR FOR PARTICIPANTS OF MINORITY AGE (UNDER AGE 18 AT TIME OF REGISTRATION) This is to certify that I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, do consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to my minor child’s involvement or participation in these programs as provided above. *
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