Community Action (CA) is a multi-day, immersive orientation program for the first-year class and sponsored by the Pace Center for Civic Engagement. CA seeks to promote an ethic of meaningful service among undergraduates, foster productive collaboration between the University and surrounding communities, and engage all participants in both academic and interpersonal dialogue.

CA Fellow Position

CA Fellows communicate with community & campus partners, collaborate with each other, and plan logistics with a goal of crafting group schedules for CA Leaders and their groups of first-year students.

MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: Community partnership development, communications, service-learning activities, and logistical planning associated with all aspects of the Community Action program. CA Fellows work collaboratively on planning the small-group experiences. CA Fellows provide support and guidance to the CA Leaders, facilitate trainings, and serve as mentors throughout the program. CA Fellows report to the CA Program Coordinator and receive ongoing professional development.

PROGRAM COMMITMENT: The CA Fellow position is a year-long term and applicants are committing to the entire timeframe. The position begins February 2024 and ends December 6, 2024. Below is a breakdown of the time commitment required per semester (spring/summer/fall):

February – April 26, 2024: Paid Hourly; Approx. 6 hours/week

  • Focus is on community research and ideation
  • Assist with CA Leader recruitment
  • Attend CA Leadership Team Spring Meeting
  • Includes professional development training 

June 3 – September 1, 2024: Paid Hourly ($17/hour); Internship: 40 hours/week with some nights/weekends

  • 12-week internship, includes 5 days/1-week vacation time
  • Focus on program planning, logistics, community partner visits, training
  • Potentially serve as a Summer Engagement Coordinator, assisting with creating community for incoming first-year students prior to Orientation
  • Includes CA Leader training week
  • Includes week of CA & leader debriefs

September 16 – December 6, 2024: Paid Hourly; Approx. 6 hours/week

  • Focus on evaluation, debrief, reflection, and report writing
  • Includes professional development
  • Potential for working on related Pace Center projects


  • Available for interview
  • Member of Princeton’s Class of 2025, 2026, 2027
  • Preference for volunteer or event coordination, and/or community outreach. 
  • Available for all position and program dates (see above)
  • In good standing with Princeton University