2024 Pace Center Service Internship Application

Welcome to the Pace Center 2024 Service Internship Application. This form can be used to apply to any of the summer service programs offered by the Pace Center for Civic Engagement. Click the hyperlinks below to learn about these summer service programs:
- Bogle Fellows in Civic Service
- Nancy Weiss Malkiel Fellowship
- Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS)
- Princeton RISE
- Projects for Peace
You will only need to fill in your personal information once. Next, you will choose the program(s) you are applying to in the Program Selection section below. Upon clicking on a program, those program questions will appear below on this form for you to fill out. Be sure, therefore, that you are filling out the specific set of questions for each program you wish to be considered for. You can apply to just one program, any combination of programs, or up to all five.

Prior to filling out this form, please note the following:
1. This application allows you to save and continue working on it prior to submitting. We do recommend reading through the entire application and then begin gathering all the required information and documents, adding them to the application as they become available. All uploaded documents (resume, cover letters and writing samples) should be saved in pdf format prior to uploading.

2. After you've clicked SUBMIT, you will receive an email confirmation of receipt, and will have the ability to return to your application for reference, by signing back into your Formsite user account. You will also be able to make changes to your application up until the deadline date (see below).

3. If no confirmation email appears shortly after application submission, check your spam folder, as Formsite items sometimes are sent there.

4. Application deadline is Monday, January 8, 2024 at 11:30pm EST. To avoid extensive delays and possible loss of information, we strongly suggest you submit your application in advance of the deadline date.

Best of luck!

To review your rights regarding sharing information while you are in the EU via this link below. Click >> below to continue. https://registrar.princeton.edu/student-and-alumni-services/policies/data-privacy 

Applicant Information

Graduating seniors are not eligible for Pace Center internships.
Graduate students are only eligible to apply to the RISE Internhip program so only that program's questions will appear below.
Gender pronouns self-identification: *

Program Selection

This is a primary sorting question of the form. Select all the programs you want to apply to, and then you can scroll down and make note of the questions you will need to answer and materials you will want to prepare.
Please select the program(s) for which you would like to be considered: *

Confidential Information

Answers to these questions are confidential and only used in the aggregate for reporting purposes within the purview of the Office of the Vice President for Campus Life. This information helps us to better understand who is served and who is underserved by our internships. Third parties, such as internship organizations and interviewers, will not have access to this information. 
We are sorry, but you are not elligle to be considered for a Pace Center internship. Only enrolled students are able to be considered for our programs.
By signing below I give permission to the Pace Center for Civic Engagement at Princeton University to verify my academic and behavioral standing with my residential college. *

Citizenship Status: *
As an international student, we highly recommend that you check in with the Davis International Center about Curricular Practical Training (CPT) which you will need to use to perform an internship within the United States. For more information, see here.

Academic Background


Your resume should be kept to one page and should include an outline of your education, work history, public service experience (on and off campus) and relevant skills.

Changes cannot be made to the resume after submission, so please be sure that the information is correct and complete.

For assistance preparing your resume, refer to the Center for Career Development guide.
Resume must be uploaded as a PDF file, saved in this format: LastName_FirstName_Resume

Bogle Student Application

Application Instructions

The Bogle Fellowship begins in the spring of 2024 and continues throughout the Princeton experience. Please note that this year the Bogle Fellowship is open to first-years, sophomores, and juniors.

The John C. Bogle ‘51 Fellows in Civic Service program (Bogle Fellowship) is a funded opportunity open to Princeton undergraduate students that supports student participation in service or civic engagement pursuits. Students are stronly encouraged to submit applications by January 8, 2024, a rolling application deadline will be considered pending available space in the cohort. 

  • Spring 2024
    • Attend two workshops exclusively for Bogle Fellows
    • Attend welcome dinner with former fellows
    • Attend Pace Center internships orientation in May
  • Summer 2024
    • Participate in a minimum 8-week service project/internship over the summer
    • Complete required weekly reflections
    • Attend cohort virtual workshops and community-building events
  • Ongoing: Participation in fellowship events and ongoing advisement
First-year Bogle Fellow applicants are encouraged to apply for Service Focus.
Please contact Matt Lynn mlynn@princeton.edu with any questions.

Additional Applicant Information

Long Answer Section

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Community Partner Info

Application Agreement

You have completed the question portion of the application. Please read and check the following statement and then don't forget to hit submit. 
In applying for a summer internship(s), I agree to the following: *

Nancy Weiss Malkiel Fellowship Student Application

Application Instructions

This section is for students interested in the Nancy Weiss Malkiel Fellows Program.

The Pace Center is excited to host the Nancy Weiss Malkiel Fellowship. The fellowship supports first generation college students and other students at Princeton University who are interested in working alongside community partners to expand educational access. The program recognizes the role of higher education in the social mobility of first-generation students and aims to increase the number of first-generation college students and support them in developing proposals to learn about improving access to higher education.

The Pace Center will award two to three Nancy Weiss Malkiel Fellowships each year, with, ideally, one fellow focusing on direct support of first-generation college students and one fellow focusing on research related to the social mobility of first-generation college students.

If you are interested in applying to be a Nancy Weiss Malkiel Fellow, please complete the application below. It is highly recommended that you make an advising appointment with Matt Lynn (mlynn@princeton.edu) before completing this portion of the application. To schedule an appointment you can visit his Bookings Calendar

Please read the following information carefully and answer the supplemental questions, if you wish for your proposal to be considered for one of the Nancy Weiss Malkiel fellowships. 

Program Structure

The Nancy Weiss Malkiel Fellows Program will be structured as follows: 

  • Duration: Fellows may choose to carry out their projects during the summer, working an 8 to 10-week, 40 hours per week schedule. Alternatively, fellows can choose to extend their projects into the fall semester. Total time spent on planning and carrying out the project should be between 320 and  450 hours. 
  • Fellows commit to participating in supplementary discussions with peer mentors and civic leadership trainings, with an average weekly time commitment of 1 hour per week, from June-August 2024.  
  • Location: Internships should take place in the United States, with the only exception being that international students may apply for funding to complete internships in their home countries. Students should demonstrate a strong connection to the community in which they plan to carry-out their project. 
  • Stipend: Fellows will receive a summer stipend of $600/week, with an additional $4,000 available to each fellow for project expenses. Stipends to be adjusted accordingly if a fall timeline is selected. 
  • Fellows will be asked to participate in Pace Center surveys to assess the Fellowship experience. 
  • Fellows will be asked to develop and deliver a final presentation with a wider community. 
  • Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis with priority given to applicants who apply by January 8, 2024 by midnight. 

Direct questions about the Nancy Weiss Malkiel Fellows Program to Matt Lynn (mlynn@princeton.edu).

Additional Applicant Information

Long Answer Section

0/250 words
0/500 words
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0/250 words

Community Partner Info

Application Agreement

You have completed the question portion of the application. Please read and check the following statement and then don't forget to hit submit. 
In applying for a summer internship(s), I agree to the following: *

PICS Student Application

Overview & Guidelines

Welcome to the PICS Summer 2024 Application! Prior to filling out this section, please note the following:
1. PICS internships are open to first years, sophomores, and juniors enrolled in both the Spring and Fall 2024 semesters. All students must be in good academic standing.
2. Refer to the PICS Eligibility and Requirements webpage for logistical factors, cover letter and resume guidance, and other important considerations in applying for your internship(s). 
3. Once you select a PICS organization below, you will be prompted to choose a position number. If there is only one position, you will see one option in the drop down menu. If there are mutliple positions, you will see multiple options - please refer to GPS for the number (1, 2, or 3) of the internship to which you wish to apply.
4. If you are an international student applying for PICS, we highly recommend you confirm your eligibility for the internship(s) you are considering. This information can be found on the GPS postings under special requirements, or by contacting PICS staff members.

5. Questions? Contact PICS Program Coordinator, Rose Holton at rholton@princeton.edu

Ready, set, go...and best of luck!


Please provide two references (no peer or family references) who could speak to your experience and/or character. Refer to the PICS Pre-Applicaiton Checklist for guidance on obtaining references. NOTE: your references are not required to provide a reference letter. PICS simply provides their contact information to the organization, who may or may not choose to contac them. 

PICS Organizations

Please be aware that your selection of PICS organizations is not in order of priority. Also, if you so desire, you may apply to only one PICS organization. Organization and internship descriptions may be found here.

Cover Letter(s)

Your cover letter should be unique to each internship, and kept to a 500-word maximum. 
For assistance preparing your cover letter, refer to the PICS Pre-Application Checklist and the Center for Career Development guide.
Cover letter(s) must be uploaded as a PDF file, saved in this format: LastName_FirstName_CoverLetter1

If you are applying to two internships, upload a second cover letter below. Cover letter must be uploaded as a PDF file, saved in this format: LastName_FirstName_CoverLetter2

PICS Internship Application Agreement

All accepted PICS interns are required to abide by the following items. Failure to complete these requirements may result in termination of your internship. By checking each requirement below, you confirm your understanding of and give consent to each item. For details on second item, refer to the Center for Career Development Community Standards.

I agree to: *

Thank You For Applying

In past years, the system has slowed down considerably on the application deadline date (Monday, January 8) due to high volume. To avoid experiencing delays and possible loss of information, we recommend that you submit your application early.
If you have any questions about this application, please contact PICS Program Coordinator, Rose Holton, at rholton@princeton.edu.

Projects for Peace Student Application

Application Instructions and Additional Applicants

Midnight, January 8, 2024
This application is to be used to submit a preliminary proposal for a summer 2024 Projects for Peace project. You may submit only one proposal for an individual project. If this is a group project, you only need to submit one application on behalf of the group's proposed project.

Information about the 2024 Projects for Peace competition, including program description, eligibility, and guidelines can be found here.
Please review this application in its entirety before completing it, noting the deadline date and the supporting materials, which will be uploaded from your computer when you click the Submit button at the end of this form.

All of your application materials must be submitted together electronically. If you have any questions about this online application, please contact Matt Lynn at the Pace Center at mlynn@princeton.edu
Before you proceed, read the following:
All applicants are required to make an appointment to discuss, as early as possible, their preliminary ideas with Matt Lynn. To schedule an appointment you can visit his Bookings Calendar
Interviews will be conducted with select students after student proposals are submitted.
Everyone you list in this application will need to be committed to participating in the project over the summer.

Preliminary Project Proposal

In narrative form, no longer than two single-spaced pages, provide clear and direct responses to each of the following questions/prompts to develop your proposal. Proposals exceeding the two-page maximum will not be considered. The proposal should be saved as a PDF. The filename, which is to include your proposed project name, must follow this format:

1. How does your proposed project address the prospects of peace making? Please identify the communities and issues of public concern, and discuss how your proposed project will affect each. What are the goals of your project? What activities will you undertake to achieve these goals?

2. Describe how your proposed project is "creative," "innovative," and/or "entrepreneurial". Please be specific.

3. What people or organizations will you work with at the project location? Please be as specific as possible. How will you build on the local community's assets?

4. What have you learned from similar projects that will inform this project? What challenges do you anticipate, if any? How do you propose to overcome them?

5. In what ways is your project sustainable? What are your anticipated outcomes? How do you plan to measure the impact of this project?

Preliminary Budget

Please upload a one-page proposed budget for your project. The budget should list all expenditures for your proposed project. It is always helpful to list these expenditures in categories such as transportation, lodging, supplies, and other sources of non-Princeton funding. The proposal should be saved as a PDF. The filename, which is to include your proposed project name, must follow this format:

1.  Given the generous funding associated with this competition, no other Princeton-affiliated funding is permitted to subsidize this project.
2.  If you don't have a high-resolution camera, please include the cost of a camera in your budget since photos are required in the final report submitted to the Projects for Peace Committee. 
3.  You will have an opportunity to refine your budget if you are selected to move forward to the next round.
4. All funding must be used during the summer of 2024- no remaining funds can carry over.
For a guide to help you format your budget document and to download the form to use, go here:

Long Answer Section

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0/100 words


1.  Should I accept a 2024 Projects for Peace award, I consent to have any final written documentation or photographs related to my project to be released or disclosed to University officials and the Projects for Peace Committee, including being posted on University and Projects for Peace websites and/or reproduced in printed materials to promote the program. Written material which I provide may be used in its entirety or excerpts may be selected.

2.  I acknowledge that no other Princeton-affiliated funding will be used in support of this project.
Please sign to acknowledge your consent *

Thank You for Applying

All of your application materials must be submitted together electronically; nothing will be accepted on paper. If you have any questions about this online application, please contact Matt Lynn. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

RISE Student Application

RISE Program Overview

Princeton RISE (Recognizing Inequities and Standing for Equality) is intended to foster students' enduring and sustained commitment to civic engagement. The program is committed to centering work that promotes racial justice and equity. Student RISE fellows will:

  • Be paired with a participating partner organization
  • Have an opportunity to listen with communities engaged in racial justice and anti-racist work
  • Explore and advocate for racial justice broadly
  • Learn about societal inequities in areas including, but not limited to, health, criminal justice, the environment, the arts and education
  • Learn about the intersectional nature of racial justice work and how it relates to other forms of equity and advocacy work
  • Engage in strategies to promote their own and their peers’ well-being and resilience
  • Make a substantive contribution to the research and mission of campus and community partners
  • Engage in peer-led weekly conversations and activities with other RISE fellows

The RISE student fellow commitment is structured as follows: 

  • Fellowships will be conducted in collaboration with partners (either campus partners or community partners), and are scoped for 8 weeks of engagement starting June 10, 2024 and ending August 2, 2024.
  • The commitment for RISE fellows is for a total of 40 hours/week: RISE fellowships with partners will be 35 hours/week; RISE programming that includes training, reflection and guided conversation with peers will be 5 hours/week at a time determined by the cohort in which your fellow is placed. 
  • Peer-facilitated cohort discussions take place on Thursday afternoons via a 90-minute Zoom call.
  • RISE fellows will receive a $600/week grant, mentorship from staff and peers, books, materials, training, reflection and guided conversation.
  • In addition RISE fellows are required to participate in orientation, a mid-program survey and an end-program survey. 
  • RISE fellows should submit a reflection on their experience by August 30, 2023, in the form of their choice (e.g. blog post, short video, or art piece).  RISE fellows must also participate in a symposium in late August 2023 to share their projects and reflections with a wider community.
The RISE application deadline for students is January 8.
If you have any questions, please contact Pace Center staff Jenny Wagner.

Application Instructions

Welcome to the RISE Summer 2024 Application! Prior to filling out this section, please note the following:
1. RISE internships are open to first years, sophomores, and juniors enrolled in both the Spring and Fall 2024 semesters. All students must be in good academic standing.
2. All RISE internship descriptions can be found on the GPS website (gps.princeton.edu). Students can apply for up to two RISE internships per application cycle.
3. Once you select a RISE organization below, you will be prompted to choose a position number. Please refer to GPS for the number (1, 2, or 3) of the internship to which you wish to apply. If there is only one option, please select 1 as your option.
If you have any questions, please contact Pace Center staff Jenny Wagner.

Additional Application Questions

Please indicate which of the following skillsets you excel in. *
To help us understand your interests and how you see racial justice intersecting with other areas, please indicate below interests that you would like to further explore using a racial justice lens *
Some of our community partners prefer hosting RISE Fellows with specific language skills. Please indicate your language skills below. *

RISE Organizations

Please be aware that your selection of RISE organizations is not in order of priority. Also, if you so desire, you may apply to only one RISE organization. Organization and internship descriptions may be found here. Please note that when you look at the positions on GPS you can search for "RISE" to see all RISE internship opportunities, and you can also search by job sector or function (example "Health" or "Research").

Long Answer Section

0/250 words
0/250 words

Service Focus

Did you know that first years who complete a service internship during their first summer are eligible to participate in Service Focus? 
Service Focus will help you prepare for your summer by providing guidance and resources. While engaging in your summer service experience, you will connect in-person or virtually with other Service Focus students. You will support and learn from one another, sharing stories along the way. 


You’ll become part of a close-knit peer group that meets an average of twice per month during your sophomore year with a staff and student fellows and your peers. You’ll support each other through reflection on service and development of your academic paths. Each group is additionally paired with a faculty mentor who shares your own passion for service and offers guidance about integrating service into academics, work and life.
Groups work collaboratively to explore a particular societal issue. You will engage with campus and community partners to ground your exploration in community perspectives and where appropriate, work together to make a direct impact. Students may submit proposals for additional funding for projects that are larger in scope.
As a Service Focus student you’ll be required to take one service-related course during your sophomore year. You can work with the Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ProCES) to find a course. Course options are broad and include choosing from a pre-approved list of ProCES courses or petitioning to take a different course that matches your interests and internship experience. 
For planning purposes, staff would like to know a bit more about your interests in order to begin planning for next year. Please check all boxes below that reflect an area of interest you would be interested in pursuing. *
Feel free to reach out to Evan Schneider if you have any questions about Serivice Focus.

How Did You Hear About Pace Center Internships?

Please check all that apply: *

University Policies and Consent

Privacy Statement:  Princeton University respects and protects the privacy of your personal data.  Student privacy rights are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), as described in Section 2.7 of Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.  Additional regulation is now in place around collecting personal information from students while in the European Union (EU). Please review more on the European Union’s (“EU’s”) General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) here.

For the purpose of applying to an organization, I hereby consent to the release/disclosure of the information and documents that I am providing with this application, including but not limited to my resume and personal statement and other personal information, to the internship organizations that I have selected above. Information contained in the sections entitled "Confidential Information" and "Optional Information" will be kept confidential and will not be released to the internship organization or any other third parties, including the interviewers supporting the internship process..

Nondiscrimination Statement: In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other federal, state, and local laws, Princeton University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, or status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran in any phase of its employment process, in any phase of its admission or financial aid programs, or other aspects of its educational programs or activities. The Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity is the individual designated by the University to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title IX, Section 504 and other equal opportunity and affirmative action regulations and laws.  Questions or concerns regarding Title IX, Section 504 or other aspects of Princeton's equal opportunity or affirmative action programs should be directed to the Office of the Vice Provost of Institutional Equity and Diversity, Princeton University, 205 Nassau Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544 or (609) 258-6110.

Confidentiality Statement for Disciplinary Records: In submitting this application, I permit the Pace Center for Civic Engagement to inquire about my student disciplinary records at Princeton and other pertinent information, and I permit other University offices, including the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students and my residential college, to release such records and information to the Pace Center.  Please note that any such information received by the Pace Center will not be released to any third parties, including the internship organizations and interviewers supporting the internship process. 

Confidentiality Statement for Demographic Information: Princeton aspires to be a truly diverse community in which individuals of every gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status can flourish equally. Volunteering demographic information helps the Pace Center assess how they are meeting DEI goals. By signing below, I grant the Princeton Registrar permission to share confidential demographic information with the Pace Center.  I understand that sharing my information is voluntary, will have no bearing on the selection process, and will not be reviewed as a part of my application. 

Rights, Rules, Responsibilities: As a program sponsored by the University in the form of the Pace Center for Civic Engagement and so a member of the Princeton University community, you are to abide by Rights, Rules, Responsibilities during the term of your participation.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Privacy Statement, Nondiscrimination Statement, Confidentiality Statements (for academic, behavioral, and demographic info), and Rights, Rules and Responsibilities. *

You're almost done! Take one final look at your application before clicking SUBMIT, as you may only submit one application form.