Custom Photo Rainbow Bridge Print
Order Form
Use Browse to select the photo you want for the Print & then click the Upload button.
(The better the original photo, the better the final result on the Print)
After your photo is uploaded, you will see "file :" and the filename appear to the left of the Upload button.
Please click on the filename to verify that it is the photo you want for the Print!
Select the Shape you prefer for the photo:
Don't know - Use what will look best
(Click here for important informaton about the oval shape)
Describe any editing or cropping you want done to the photo:
Select the Style you prefer
Style 1 - Larger photo smaller text
Style 2 - Smaller photo larger text
Click here for examples of the style options
Enter your pet's information
as you want it to appear on the Print.
The 'Birth Date' and 'Date passed on' fields may be left blank.
Your Pet's Name:
Birth Date or age:
Date passed on:
Select the gender of the text:
No Specific Gender
Click here to see what the gender choices mean:
Remove "Author Unknown" from the text.
(This allows more space for Photo & Text.)
Yes - Remove it.
No - Keep it.
Use this area if you have any additional instructions for making the Print:
Enter number of Prints desired:
Custom Photo Rainbow Bridge Print
Do you want an image, (Proof), of the Print for your approval before it is laminated & shipped?
Yes - Email me a Proof Image for my approval
No - ship my Print as soon as it is completed
Enter your Email address for sending the approval image
Re-Enter Email
Add Priority Mail Shipping Cost:
(NOTE: Due to the new USPS international rate increases, I no longer accept orders outside the United States)
Ship within the USA $9.90
Enter the name and address where your Print is to be shipped:
Please carefully review your order for accuracy before continuing:
Yes, everything is exactly the way I want it to be on my Print.
When everything is complete and correct click the "Secure Checkout" button.
Click HERE if you have any questions or problems.
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