Wisconsin Dermatological Society
2025 Spring Meeting Call for Abstracts
Saturday, April 26, 2025 | Monona Terrace Convention Center | Madison, WI

The Wisconsin Dermatological Society (WDS) 2025 Spring Meeting will be held Saturday, April 26, 2025, at the Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison, WI. We are planning to have abstract presentations by residents, fellows, medical students and practicing physicians. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may be interested.

Authors should fully complete the form below to submit their abstract for consideration at the WDS 2025 Spring Meeting.

Abstracts must be submitted by Friday, March 14, 2025. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by March 24th. The deadline to submit your abstract will not be extended. Posters of accepted abstracts will be due by April 4th for juding purposes (.jpg format preferred).

Returning this year! Cash prizes will be awarded in the amounts of $200 for 1st place, $100 for 2nd place and $50 for 3rd place. Judging will take place electronically prior to the Spring Meeting.


  • Abstracts are reviewed according to the following criteria: 1) quality, 2) design and innovation, 3) analysis of study data or cases and applicability to clinical medicine, 4) conciseness and 5) presentation quality/appeal
  • Senior author must be a WDS member or have applied for membership
  • Only ONE abstract per first author may be submitted
  • Only award winning abstracts will be asked to print their poster to display onsite on Saturday, April 26th preferably by 8:30am, but no later than 11am. Printed posters should be 36” tall x 48” wide. Push pins to fasten are provided.
  • Abstract authors will be required to stand by their posters during breaks and lunch.
  • Authors will be notified of review decision via email by March 24, 2025.
Abstracts fall into one of two categories: Case Report/Case Series or Clinical/Epidemiologic Study. See below for more information.


Case reports / case series should avoid long prose and paragraphs and have succinct introductions, bullet points whenever possible.
  • Title: Should clearly state the main point of the subject matter.
  • Intro/Background: Should be brief. Utilize bulleted items of significance to the dermatologist.
  • Case: Confirm that clinical and histopath photographs support the diagnosis. Consider using table or chart to summarize important lab data.
  • Discussion: Brief discussion, learning objectives should be clear. Label/identify 1-3 learning objectives for the reader.


Clinical/epidemiologic studies should focus on the relevance to the average dermatologist.
  • Title: Should clearly state the main point or finding of the abstract.
  • Intro/Background: Do not dwell on information already known by most clinicians or readily found in textbooks, focus on novelty and impact of your work, succinctly frame the clinical problem and why the study was performed (context of the study).
  • Methods: Outline methods succinctly, confirm appropriate inclusion/exclusion criteria are listed.
  • Results: Appropriately title the figures/graphs/tables/charts/photos. The legend should be informative but not elaborative.
  • Conclusions: Succinct and clear, don’t oversell the data or statistics, only make conclusion from your own data. Acknowledge limitations.
  • Discussion: The summary should focus on what the study adds to existing knowledge and the impact on practice.


Please complete the following fields with the Presenting Author's information.

The WDS is obtaining Continuing Medical Education (CME) accreditation through the ACCME for its Spring Meeting. To comply with standards, all Poster Presenting Authors must complete an industry disclosure form. Please submit your disclosures HERE.
I have submitted my financial disclosure(s) via the link above. *


Please complete the following fields with the Senior Author/WDS Member's information. If the Presenting Author and Senior/WDS Member Author are the same, you may skip this section.
I attest the Senior Author on this abstract is a WDS Member. *



Due Friday, April 4, 2025
Please submit your POSTER via .jpg format to the WDS office by email info@widermsociety.org for electronic judging for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place abstract awards. The WDS will post your abstract to the WDS website, www.widermsociety.org. If your abstract includes any copyright or sensitive material (i.e. patient photos, private information), please let the WDS office know. We will confirm receipt of all documents.
I will submit my POSTER via .jpg format by Friday, April 4, 2025, and notify the WDS office of any copyright or sensitive material that should not be posted to the WDS website. *

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Wisconsin Dermatological Society
6737 W Washington St, Ste 4210 | Milwaukee, WI 53214
(P): 414-488-3929 | info@widermsociety.org | www.widermsociety.org