Welcome to the GreyArmy Independent Contractor application process.
We ask that you take a few minutes to answer the questions that follow so we can get you up and running as soon as possible.  
We know the questions look like they go forever, they don't, and they should only take 5 minutes to complete.  
At the end, your answers will be submitted and one of our team will be in touch ASAP to make sure we get you the most relevant work, in the most logical regions, in the shortest possible time.
There are seven sections to the application, and they are:
1. Basic Contact information.
2. Employement History.  Specificallty related to self employment.
3. Work Certificates.  You don't have to produce these now, just indicate if you have them.
4. Job Readiness.
5. Skills register.  Tell us what you are capable of doing.
6. Work region preferences.
7. References.  We will not contact them until you give the OK.
This application is not a contract and does not obligate you to the Grey Army in any way. Information supplied by you will be kept strictly confidential and used specifically to assist in assessing your suitability for Grey Army

Basic contact information

Please indicate your vaccination status *

Employment History

Are you currently self employed? *
Do you have an ABN? *