2024 St. Gregory Parish Festival Sponsorship Order Form

Please support our St. Gregory Community as we celebrate our 2024 Parish Festival
By becoming a Festival Sponsor, you are showing your support for families, children and our mission in service for the local community.

ONLY LOGOS RECEIVED BY SEPTEMBER 15, 2024 WILL APPEAR ON FESTIVAL T-SHIRTS. Forms for signage on rides/booths are due October 10, 2024.


Napa Valley
Napa Valley - $2,000
Logo/Name on T-Shirt+Banner
and Ride/Premium Booth

50 Ride Tickets OR 2 Wristbands

8 Meal Ticket Vouchers

20 Volunteer Hours (St. Greg’s Families)

3-Month Advertisement in Parish Bulletin

Website/Social Media Recognition
Pebble Beach - $1,000
Logo/Name on T-Shirt+Banner
and Ride/Premium Booth

25 Ride Tickets OR 1 Wristband

4 Meal Ticket Vouchers

Website/Social Media Recognition
Lake Tahoe - $750

Logo/Name on T-Shirt+Banner and
Standard Booth

20 Ride Tickets

2 Meal Ticket Vouchers

Website/Social Media Recognition

Golden Gate - $500
Logo/Name on Standard Booth

15 Ride Tickets

Website/Social Media Recognition
Hollywood - $250

Logo/Name on Standard Booth

Website Recognition

In Kind - $

All proceeds benefit St. Gregory Church Tax ID: 94-1156812

Contact Fiona Hsu, Festival Sponsorship Chair, via email at festival@stgregs-sanmateo.org
Please email all logos to festival@stgregs-sanmateo.org no later than September 15, 2024 or we cannot guarantee logo placement.
Only logos received by September 15, 2024 are guaranteed to appear on Festival T-Shirts.

Transaction Fee *
Current Total:
Mastercard & Visa