Advertise with us!
Ad deadline is Monday for that week's Friday newsletter.

Thank you for choosing to advertise in the Torah Academy Trailblazer. 
Please list a contact that we can reach reguarding this advertisement.
Please email Mrs. Hindy Chanales at with any questions or call 561-465-2200.

Ad Size and Duration

Due to our production timeline and space constraints, ads are not confirmed for inclusion until you receive a confirmation email from our office.
Ad Sizes - I would like my ad to run for one week: *
Ad Sizes - I would like my ad to run for two weeks (i.e. two consecutive newsletters): *

Ad Specifications

Please submit your ad in a pdf/jpg/png format. These sizes are for ratio purposes and the ad size may be slightly modified to fit our exact page constraints. Ads must be approved by our organization before printing. You will receive an email from our office if any adjustments are needed.
1/4 Page - 4.25"x2.75"
1/2 Page - 8.5"x5.5"
Full Page - 8.5"x11"


Current Total: