World Music Songs with MZAZA Workshop Registration
Singers and instrumentalists of Townsville, come learn a Sephardic song in two fun concurrent workshops that are open to everyone; from beginners to advanced musicians.
World music six-piece MZAZA invites musicians of all ages to a workshop, and to be part of their show, The Birth and Death of Stars.
Born in France and of Sephardic heritage, the award-winning lead singer of MZAZA Pauline Maudy will facilitate an uplifting vocal workshop for beginners and experienced singers aimed at sharing technique and getting you singing quickly. She is joined by accordionist/choir leader Ricardo Bona and double bassist Gwenny Warnick.
John Robertson (guitar), Greta Kelly (various fiddles), and Tsoof Baras (percussion) will teach you a Ladino folk song which demonstrates some of the unusual rhythms, scales and ornaments of modal music. Bring your fiddle, guitar, ukulele, accordion, harmonica, hand percussion or any other instrument. Sheet music and tabs will be provided and the session also caters to those who prefer to learn by ear.
We ask that children and young people under 12 be accompanied by an adult. Participants will be invited to join MZAZA and perform with the group at the end of their show.
MZAZA show ticket discounts available for workshop participants.
Workshop Details
When: Thursday 26th September, 5:30pm-6:30pm
Where: House of Arts, Dance North - 188-210 Stanley St, Townsville
Places are limited, therefore registration is essential.
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