This application is only for:

  1. commercial kitchens
  2. domestic kitchens
  3. mobile food vans
  4. non-profit organisations that sell meals on at least 12 days every financial year
Please submit this application at least 30 days before your intended commencement date of trade to ensure your application is processed on time. Important food safety information and guidelines that will help you complete this form are on Council's Food Business Licenses webpage.
Contact the Environmental Health Team on 13 48 10 for more information. A PDF version of this form is available on Council's website.
Information you will need to complete this form
Depending on your circumstances, you will need to have digital versions of the following, or the details ready, to attach with this form:
  • If a non-profit organisation - evidence the legal entity is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) or other supporting documentation as evidence of non-profit status
  • If a corporation, a copy of the company extract which lists the directors of the company (a company or business registration certificate cannot be accepted)
  • If off-site or on-site catering, a food safety program with written accreditation from an approved auditor
  • If you’ve ever had a licence refused, suspended or cancelled under food safety legislation in any state or territory, a copy of the details
  • If a previous licensee is surrendering their food licence as part of this application, a completed Application to surrender a food licence
  • If you are nominating a food safety supervisor, a copy of their statement of attainment/certificate or description of their experience, and their contact details
  • If you are fitting out or changing the structure of the premises:
    • Floor plans (drawn to scale of not less than 1:50)
    • Elevations of each food preparation area (drawn to scale of not less than 1:50)
    • For proposed mechanical ventilation, a Form 16
    • Technical reports or photos can also be attached to accompany the plans
  • If plumbing and drainage approvals are required from Council, the application numbers
  • If town planning approval is required from Council, the application numbers
  • Trade waste approval number, or written confirmation that the business doesn’t require approval (e.g. attach email from Council)
  • Building certifier approval if the building required certification of Class 6 building status.
Create a user account for this form (optional)
Complete the form over multiple sittings by creating an optional user account. You will be able to return and continue to complete the form up until submission of the form.

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