Ceremonies and Venues

Ceremony Enquiry Form

This form is for enquiries.  It does not constitute a booking.  A member of our venues team will contact you within 5 business days to discuss your enquiry and make a booking if required.  All bookings are confirmed in writing from the Venues Team. 
Important: Please note, if you would like a booking for a social gathering, such as a birthday party, please email venues@townsville.qld.gov.au directly. You do not need to complete this form.
Before we get started, we would like to know how you first heard about having a ceremony in one of our spaces. *
I'm interested in holding a: *
All ceremonies, regardless of location are $115 per hour as per the 2024/25 fees and charges. Your booking time must cover time set up, ceremony and pack times for any items that you are bringing into the space. 
I want to book the space for my ceremony between (you can select multiple times if you wish): *
Now you have decided where you want to have your ceremony, there are just a few things we need you to know.  We love our parks and gardens, please ensure you leave them as you find them. 
We don't allow alcohol, glass, confetti, rice, flower petals or naked flames in any of our open spaces. 
There is a lot of infrastructure underground in our open spaces.  Because of this, all items needing to be anchored must be done so above ground using sandbags or something similar.
Similarly, cars are to remain on designated roadways and in parking bays.  Cars parked with "2 wheels on the grass" are damaging our sprinkler systems.  So we ask you and your guests to be mindful of this when attending your wedding.
Thank you for taking the time to get in touch.  Dont forget, it will take us up to 5 days to get back to you.  We look forward to helping make your special day a success.
Privacy Statement 
Townsville City Council collects and manages personal information in the course of performing its activities, functions and duties. We respect the privacy of the personal information held by us. The way in which council manages personal information is governed by the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). We are collecting your personal information in accordance with Local Government Act 2009. Generally, we will not disclose your personal information outside of Council unless we are required to do so by law, or unless you have given us your consent to such disclosure.  For further information about how we manage your personal information please see our Information Privacy Policy.