North Australian Festival of Arts (NAFA) is back for another exciting year in 2024!

Each year, the NAFA team is an ever-growing group of people who get to have amazing experiences during the festival period. We welcome familiar as well as new faces into our Fringe Force to help us deliver the best community event of the year.

If you are interested in being a volunteer, food vendor, staff member or you just want to be involved, please fill out your details below. 

Please note: This is not an application to the role, you will be advised when you can apply via email.

Your Details
Privacy collection statement
Townsville City Council collects and manages personal information in the course of performing its activities, functions and duties. We respect the privacy of the personal information held by us. The way in which Council manages personal information is governed by the Information Privacy Act 2009. We are collecting your personal information in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009. The information will be used to process this volunteer enquiry as part of the volunteer program at the North Australian Festival of Arts.
Generally, we will not disclose your personal information outside of Council unless we are required to do so by law, or unless you give your consent to this disclosure. For further information about how we manage your personal information please see our Information Privacy Policy.