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Flood Model Request Form


Townsville City Council (Council) has reviewed the previous flood models and produced a revised suite of base-line flood models for discrete the Townsville local government area. These base-line flood models are available to external parties for use on a project by project basis. This flood model request outlines the terms and conditions through which base-line flood models are made available to external parties.

The updated flood models have incorporated:

  • more recent LiDAR and DEMs for various developments
  • 2019 Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) data and methodologies
  • 5m grid with SGS
  • 1D pipe network >600mm.

Generally, the following software has been used:

  • catchment hydrology – XP-RAFTS or Direct Rainfall (TuFlow)
  • floodplain hydraulics – TuFlow (MIKE FLOOD for the Landsdown Model)
  • flood mapping – ArcGIS.

The technical reports will contain details of the specific models, their setup and the software used for each study area.

Supply of Flood Models

Council’s Chief Executive Officer (or delegate) has discretion as to whether Council will supply the flood models to the external party for the requested purpose.

Costs will not be charged for the supply of the requested flood models.

In supplying the flood model data, Council will provide the following:

  1. all set-up and run files associated with the base-line catchment hydrologic model
  2. all set-up, run and results files associated with the base-line floodplain hydraulics model
  3. a brief description of the model naming convention.

The external party will supply an appropriate external storage device including return postage (such as a prepaid postal satchel) for the requested flood model. If multiple flood models are requested the external party should confirm the data storage capacity required with Council.

To ensure data can be transferred, the appropriate size of external storage device required for each model is:

  • Alligator Creek Study 2023: 500 GB
  • Bohle River Flood Study 2023: 500 GB
  • Horseshoe Bay Flood Study 2021: 500 GB
  • Nelly Bay Flood Study 2022: 500 GB
  • Picnic Bay Flood Study 2021: 500 GB
  • Arcadia Bay Flood Study 2021: 500 GB
  • Landsdown Station 2018 (MIKE): 500 GB
  • Black River Flood Study 2021: 1 TB
  • Balgal Beach Flood Study 2021: 1 TB
  • SleeperLog Creek Flood Study 2023: 1 TB
  • Ross River Flood Study 2021: 4 TB

If the supplied external storage device is defective or insufficient, Council will contact the responsible individual from the external party.

The external storage device should be delivered to:

The Senior Floodplain and Coastal Engineer
Townsville City Council
103 Walker Street, Townsville City, QLD, 4810.

Return of Flood Models

At the completion of the project using the supplied flood model(s), your right to use the model will cease. To help keep the information used by the entire community up to date, it is a requirement that any updates to the supplied base-line flood model(s) are incorporated into the flood model(s) held by Council.
Typically, updates to the base-line flood model may be a result of:
  • the addition of new topographic survey
  • updating to reflect recently constructed works not represented in the base-line flood model
  • developing a sub-model representing finer scale processes than the original base-line flood model
  • re-calibration of the base-line flood model
  • the inclusion/refinement of stormwater infrastructure (beyond the scope of the original study)
  • improved modelling techniques
  • updating software version
  • changes to boundary conditions.

Privacy Collection Statement

Townsville City Council collects and manages personal information in the course of performing its activities, functions and duties. We respect the privacy of the personal information held by us. The way in which Council manages personal information is governed by the Information Privacy Act 2009. We are collecting your personal information in accordance with Local Government Act 2009. The information will be used to process this request for access to Council's flood modelling. Generally, we will not disclose your personal information outside of Council unless we are required to do so by law, or unless you give your consent to this disclosure. For further information about how we manage your personal information please see our Information Privacy Policy.