Feedback Form: Draft Book Chapters on Workforce Development

Thank you for taking the time to review one or more draft chapters of our upcoming book on workforce development. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to create a comprehensive and informative resource for employers.

Fact Checking

Are you, or is your organization, quoted or mentioned in this chapter? (If no, please continue to the Chapter Feedback section of this form.)
If you or your organization is mentioned, is the information attributed to you or that describes your organization accurate?

Chapter Feedback

Overall impression of the chapter
Please rate your impression of the chapter you selected above on the following criteria. Keep in mind that the primary audience for the book is Chicago/ Cook County employers who may not be experts on workforce development.
 Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeNeutral or don't know
The information presented in this chapter is accurate.
Keeping in mind the overall outline of the book, the information presented in this chapter is complete, based on its topic.
The content is easy to understand and follow.
Non-textual elements (e.g., graphics, tables, worksheets, checklists) are likely to enhance the reader's understanding of or engagement with the content.
The chapter is capable of capturing and maintaining a reader's interest.
A reader is likely to learn something new or gain valuable insights from this chapter.
The chapter is likely to inspire employers to take action or consider new ideas.

Book Title Feedback

What is your reaction to the following complete titles for the whole book?
Talent Victories: Spin Workforce Investments Into Business Success Stories
Talent Triumphs: Leveraging Chicago’s Workforce Ecosystem to Meet Your Talent Needs
Working the System: Leverage Chicago’s Workforce Investments to Meet Your Talent Needs
Working the System: Maximizing Your Benefit From Chicago's Workforce Investments
Chicago Talent Solutions: Leverage Workforce Investments to Meet Your Talent Needs
Better Together: Partnering with Chicago’s Workforce Ecosystem for Talent Solutions
Assuming we go with a short title / longer subtitle, what is your reaction to the following short titles?
Working the System
Work the System
Better Together
Talent Victories
Talent Triumphs
Talent Connections
Chicago Talent Solutions
Overlooked Talent Pools
Chicago's Overlooked Talent Pools
Chicago's Overlooked Talent
What is your reaction to the following longer subtitles?
Spin Workforce Investments Into Business Success Stories
Leverage Chicago’s Workforce Investments to Meet Your Talent Needs
Maximizing Your Benefit From Chicago's Workforce Investments
Partnering with Chicago’s Workforce Ecosystem for Talent Solutions
Hiring, Training, and Doing Good While Building Your Company
An Employer’s Guide to Supported Talent Solutions
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