I'd like to help CEPS make a difference in the community. Count me in!
I'm pleased to contribute to the CEPS general fund in the following amount: *

Step One: Donor Information

Employer: *
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What happens when I donate to CEPS General Fund?
Donations to the 501(c)4 are private. There are no limits on personal or corporate contributions when donating. You opt in to CEPS emails and become a member of CEPS when you donate to the CEPS general fund. The 501(c)4 social welfare organization serves as CEPS General Fund. Donations support providing the community with information about public education in Santa Monica and Malibu from pre-k through community college. This can be done through website, ads, and other media to raise awareness of CEPS. In addition, should there be a local bond measure on a ballot to fund capital improvements at SMMUSD or SMC these 501(c)4 dollars can be used to campaign in favor of or against such a bond. 
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