Learners Spring '25 Tournaments

These tournaments are leading up to our large team chess tournament at UNM on March 2nd.
Unless otherwise noted, all tournaments take place at Learners Chess HQ, 532 Adams NE, 87108.
Max: 40 to 48 participants per tournament. Players may be split into sections of 16 to 24 or so, depending on skill levels of registered players.
Parents are welcome to drop off and pick kids up or stay and watch. 
Parents who plan to stay are encouraged to bring a folding chair, as they might do if they attended a child's soccer game. 
Estimated Schedule for the Day
(Saturday Mornings):
-1 Hour Tournament Prep, 9am-9:45am (optional)
-All players check in by 9:45am
-Round 1, 10:00am
-Round 2, 10:40am
-Round 3, 11:20am
-Round 4, noon
-Trophies and medals, 12:45pm
(Sunday Afternoons):
-1 Hour Tournament Prep, 2:00pm-2:45pm (optional)
-All players check in by 2:45pm
-Round 1, 3:00pm
-Round 2, 3:40pm
-Round 3, 4:20pm
-Round 4, 5:00pm
-Trophies and medals, 5:45pm
Often, we will be able to run more rounds in a tournament. 
Clocks will be set for 15 to 20 minutes per side (depending on tournament size) with a 2 second delay or increment. If your player hasn't had a chance to practice with a clock, there are free chess clock apps downloadable on any tablet device or smart phone.
Players do not need to bring chess clock or chess set. 


Select all tournaments for which you'd like to register. If you only select one early one, you may come back later to sign up for more. *
(0 remaining)
(14 remaining)
(4 remaining)
(0 remaining)
(3 remaining)
(2 remaining)
(2 remaining)
Select below if you'd like to add the opportunity to arrive an hour early for warm up and practice time with other players and coaches.
(28 remaining) (22 remaining)
(12 remaining) (26 remaining)
(23 remaining) (17 remaining)
You signed up for a beginner tournament that requires players to either be playing in their first tournament or be rated under 450. *
You signed up for a beginner tournament that requires players to either be playing in their first tournament or be rated under 500. *
You signed up for a Bughouse Tournament! 
Make sure your partner signs up separately!!!
For the bughouse tournament, is the below listed player an adult who will partner with an already registered youth player? *

Player Information

(use below described coupon code to get early bird or need based discounts)
Gender Pronoun *
Look up your chess player's rating here.
Once at the page scroll through or use the find function by pressing "ctrl" and "F" at the same time and then type the player's name and you should be able to find it fairly easily. The name displays with only the first name and the first two letters of the last name. When registering, still please us the student's full name, as that is how it will be uniquely recognized by our rating computer system. 
*we will update these ratings the day of the event.
You selected the Girls Beginners Tournament. It is required that all palyers in this tournament either not have a Learners Rating or be rated 600 or lower
No rating?
Nearly any player who has played in our clubs, camps, community clubs, or tournaments should have a rating.
If your player does not have a rating, then they will enter this tournament as "unrated" and then after the tournament they will have a rating. Learn more about the Learners Chess rating system here: https://learnerschess.org/learners-chess-ratings-lists/
If this is the fcase fot your player, enter "0" for rating. 

Parent Information

Texting? *
I commit... *
I attest... *
I understand start and end times: *


Optional Early Registration Discounts: If you are registering two weeks or more before the above slected tournament, you may type "earlybird2week" below in the coupn field and then click the calculate button to get 25% off. You may also use this discount as a needs based assistance discount within 2 weeks of the tournament starting. You may also type "earlybird1week" to get 15% off if you register a week or more early, or if that level of discount is needed.
Need Based Assistance: If you cannot afford the full fee for this tournament:
--You may type "allkidsplay50%" below and your tournament fee will be reduced by 50%
--You may type "allkidsplay75%" below and your tournament fee will be reduced by 75%
--or type "allkidsplay90%" below and your tournament fee will drop by 90%.
If you cannot afford to pay 10% of the fee or you don't have a credit card, please call or text 505-369-6026 and let us know so we can help you get your child into this tournament.
Current Total: